The Mythril Eye

(The Mythril eye)

Disaster at the Darkhold (07/11/2011)
Mutamix's Materia (08/19/2011)
Foundation Day Cometh! (09/16/11)

Never blinking and all-seeing, The Mythril Eye misses naught that transpires within the lustrous domain of coin.
In today's emergency bulletin, senior editor Havak Alvak reports on the crisis unfolding in the north in Coerthas, and examines the implications thereof.
11 Fourth Astral Moon, Year 1572 of the Sixth Astral Era
Before I proceed, pray permit me to ponder a pair of points. First, it is common knowledge that the Dzemael Darkhold was intended to be Ishgard's bastion in their continuing conflict against dragonkind, a flawless fortification from where they would wage war against their ancient adversaries. Second, it had earlier been revealed that the Ishgardians had met with a quandary in the quarrying effort, which should have triggered a tangible tightening of defenses. What formidable force, then, could have mastered the martially minded Ishgardians in a position as well-defended as the Darkhold?
Havak Alvak
Disaster at the Darkhold
Word has arrived from our northern field correspondent directing us to a disconcerting disturbance unfolding in Ishgardian Coerthas. House Fortemps, one of the financially foremost families of the Holy See of Ishgard, has apparently assembled a substantial military contingent at the hamlet of Owl's Nest. If this information has reached us in full fidelity--and there is no indication otherwise--the contingent, formed of knights and sellswords, has been mobilized for a most mystifying motive: the liberation of the Dzemael Darkhold.
In endeavoring to establish an explanation, our correspondent tracked down a man-at-arms who was witness to the fall of the Dzemael Darkhold. According to the scar-streaked sellsword, work had been proceeding purposefully to prime the cavernous cavities and craggy corridors of the Darkhold for use as a fortification. All this came to a screeching halt, however, when what appeared to be an expertly etched effigy of a fiend was turned up in the midst of mining. The Ishgardians set about excavating it, only to have the seemingly soulless statue suddenly spring to life the instant they tried to move it. Lifeless no more, the fiend flew into a fit of frenzy, murdering a motley of miners and injuring innumerable others.
Knights and hired hands alike hurled themselves into the fray in a venture to vanquish the virulent fiend. Unbeknownst to them, however, at the precise moment they rallied to arms against the malevolent menace, Imperial troopers had stormed the Darkhold's entrance. The clash--if it could be called such--was sealed in a score of seconds. The Ishgardians swiftly succumbed with scarcely a struggle, and it was all our interviewee could do to flee with his life.
After several years spent in silent slumber, has the Empire really roused to resume its march on Eorzea? If so, what implications could this hold on the province of profit? Commenting on the conceivable consequences, Mythril Eye economist Tzetzelun speculates that the anticipation of armed conflict will send the price of wheat, grains, and other sundry supplies soaring. The armaments market, on the other hand, can expect to undergo furious fluctuations for the foreseeable future.
An event of far-reaching impact has been set in motion, but the hour is yet young. The Mythril Eye shall sustain its surveillance of the situation in Coerthas, that our readers might be properly prepared to confront the coming chaos in the commercial climate.
Gil-making Godssend or Continental Catastrophe?
Imperial Interlopers in Ishgard

((The above is a reprint of the archived Lodestone post. Please find it archived, along with other lost gems, at Fragmenter Works!))

Never blinking and all-seeing, The Mythril Eye misses naught that transpires within the lustrous domain of coin.
In today's edition, senior editor Havak Alvak takes a monocle to the current economic turmoil triggered by the arrival of materia in the hands of an unexpected purveyor.
19 Fourth Umbral Moon, Year 1572 of the Sixth Astral Era
It was approximately ten years ago that the last of the beastmen was driven out from Ul'dah. Faced with an impending imperial invasion, the Syndicate passed a policy to purge the sultanate of all beastmen, who found themselves unceremoniously banished by the bevy. Overnight, the sight of sylvan crystal merchants and goblin junk dealers alike up and vanished from the Sapphire Avenue Exchange. Despite the decree's dubiousness, it was warmly welcomed by the majority of merchants, who regarded reduced rivalry with relish.
Mutamix's Materia
"Beast tribe" is a designation of Garlean origin, given to those races the Empire deems detestable. Equivalent to an earmarking for extermination, the label is attached on account of association with primals--beatific beings who, amid certain circles, command godlike reverence. In stark contrast, the primals are held in highest hatred by the Garleans, who, besides calling them by the derogatory denomination eikon, have sought to suppress with startling single-mindedness any species suspected to summon them.
Of late, however, the disputed decision of a decade past is threatening to float to the fore, engendered by the emergence of a grizzled goblin geomancer named Mutamix Bubblypots...
Inevitably, Ul'dahn merchants, too, came to know of this new player in the field. Unsurprisingly, there were those who felt fearful of Mutamix, convinced that the goblin would incite instability in a market governed by protectionist policies. Such is the acuteness of their aversion, they went so far as to petition the Immortal Flames for the expeditious eradication of all goblins roaming the region.
According to adventurer accounts, Mutamix first appeared in the wilds of Thanalan less than a moon past with his apprentices in tow, a rag-tag band calling themselves Carriers of the Cauldron. Wasting no time in setting up shop, he proceeded to promote a peculiar matter called materia, which is claimed to be capable of galvanizing gear. Before long, word of Mutamix and his miracle method for augmenting arms and armor had spread like wildfire across the adventurer population.
In contrast to this knee-jerk reaction of self-preservation, there are those who expressly endorse materia, considering it a catalyst for expediting economic expansion. Even now, the market is astir with tolerant traders who are making to maximize their monies by means of the matter, and who have taken a stand against actions that are like to damage Ul'dah-goblin relations.
Adventurers Delighted, Merchants Divided
Of Beasts and Branding

Of Mutamix and Materia
Sultanate decree distinctly dictates that no goblins are to set foot on Ul'dahn soil. Naught, however, is stipulated of their presence outside her walls. And now two factions stand opposed: those who desire the decimation of goblins versus those who believe it would best behoove the nation to leave them in peace. I, for one, envy not in the least the Immortal Flames' prickly position.
Our city-state stands at the crossroads of a commercial crisis, and The Mythril Eye will continue to closely monitor the movement of all individuals involved in the unfolding drama.
Havak Alvak
((The above is a reprint of the archived Lodestone post. Please find it archived, along with other lost gems, at Fragmenter Works!))

Never blinking and all-seeing, The Mythril Eye misses naught that transpires within the lustrous domain of coin.
In today's edition, senior editor Havak Alvak takes a close look at Foundation Day, the celebration taking place across the sultanate that commemorates the revival of the Grand Companies of Eorzea.
12 Fifth Astral Moon, Year 1572 of the Sixth Astral Era
According to our sources, the concept was conceived at a congregation of committee members for the Eorzean Alliance,* who recommended that the revelry be simultaneously sponsored by all three city-states. Contrived to curb the consternation of civilians while saturating soldiers with spirit and steadfastness, insiders indicate that the event is also intended to regulate the rivalry raging between the Grand Companies to attract adventurers to their ranks.
Foundation Day Cometh!
Ever since the Ministry of Palatial Affairs revealed the rekindling of the Immortal Flames, the latter has not spared a single spherule of sweat to promote its presence to the public. Stepping up their efforts, the Immortal Flames now host Foundation Day, a celebration commemorating the creation of the Grand Companies of Eorzea more than a millennium past.
Regulated roistering aside, the return of the Immortal Flames alone has been a blessing for the burg. Not only has it aided the amelioration of anxiety over the Garlean threat; it also affords adventurers—rapidly rising as the realm's richest spenders—a steady supply of salary. The prevailing perspective at present is one of expedited economic expansion. Even as I put pen to paper, a curious case of collaboration is being brokered between market and monarchy for the minting of memorial money and the subsidization of salutes by firearms.
A military alliance established in the 1561st year of the Sixth Astral Era in the wake of Ala Mhigo's fall to the Garlean Empire. Although initially formed of the four remaining sovereign city-states of Eorzea, the Ishgardians soon withdrew from the treaty, taking with them a bulk of the alliance's military might. In part due to this, no joint standing army ever eventuated from the coalition, which has had to rely upon the privately run Adventurers' Guild for the handling of such security issues as the beast tribe threat.
The current commercial climate is plainly propitious to profit. Whether you prefer to participate in a procession or peddle products to the public, we at The Mythril Eye enthusiastically encourage participation in the pomp and pageantry as a means of monitoring market movement.
With the reemergence of the Grand Companies, the demand for adventurers soars to a new high as each organization moves to entice capable soldiers to join its ranks.
The Founding of a Tradition

[The Eorzean Alliance]
Havak Alvak
((The above is a reprint of the archived Lodestone post. Please find it archived, along with other lost gems, at Fragmenter Works!))