"When the Calamity razed this land, the Eorzea we once knew was lost to us forever. And yet, the realm as it once was lives on to this day in the hearts of those who call it home.
"So it is that in this season of remembrance, my thoughts turn to those who are with us no more, and to the world that they left behind. For it is truly knowing and understanding our past that allows us to stride confidently toward our future.
"While we can never regain all that was lost to us, we can remember─and let those memories give us the strength to forge our way to a brighter tomorrow. This is why we observe the Rising." (1)
(1) Quest: Message in a Bottle

Another holiday of recent creation, the Rising is a celebration across Eorzea of a swift recovery from the Seventh Umbral Calamity. First observed in the fifth year of the Seventh Umbral Era, its traditions range from remembrance of losses and applauding of victories alike.
Fireworks are the main feature of the Rising, and Azeyma's Candles, lions, and spinners in particular are launched in the memory of the fallen. These are, of course, no common fireworks; they are specially made for the purpose. (2)
(2) Quest: What Blooms in the Night

Past Celebrations
What Blooms in the night

This year's anniversary of the Calamity honored the fallen with shows of fireworks over all the city-states of Eorzea. Candles and flowers were delivered up for those being remembered, but in a fashion appropriate for a land risen anew from the ashes: Azeyma's Candles and great blooms of fire--blackpowder fireworks.
The spectacle attracted many who were seldom seen in the cities--including a mysterious man known to us now as the Wandering Minstrel (who is apparently still wanted in Limsa Lominsa for gaolbreaking just before the Calamity). After delivering kind words for adventurers and a curious prophecy allegedly from Louisoix himself, the Minstrel departed. (2)
(2) Quest: What Blooms in the Night

A world away
The Rising festival found its way to the city-states of Eorzea once more, but Ul'dah was in a particular predicament. "Bugs" had besieged the wilds beyond the city's walls--but forgekin creatures instead of vilekin. The Wandering Minstrel, to everyone's amazement, had taken up arms against the creatures, and with the help of the Warrior of Light and other adventurers, stemmed the tide of machine monstrosities.
Taking the remnants of one of the creatures about to a strange composer, writer, translator, and engineer, the adventurers unlocked the secrets of the creatures--and would later speak of being transported to a place called the "Eighteenth Floor", where they learnt of a time when the star was torn asunder by hubris, and then pulled down and rebuilt anew--five years before. (3)
None have returned to the Eighteenth Floor since, for that way has been shut. But the Wandering Minstrel, who made that way, is still among us...
(3) Quest: A World Away
To celebrate the Rising this year, the Crystal Caravan, the premier puppet troupe in the land, was engaged to take the stage in Ul'dah.
Success in art belongs to the daring, and their ambitious was great indeed, for they had determined to re-enact the Battle of Carteneau itself, complete with the exploits of the great Warriors of Light. Granted, few could recall those exploits from before the Calamity with any clarity, and so the actor set to play the Warrior set out with an adventurer friend to hear the accounts of Baderon, Miounne, and Momodi. (4)
But a calamity of their own struck, and a loose stage beam fell and struck the actor on the head, just as the play was to begin! The adventurer was pressed into service in his stead--and it was no act, for as it turned out, the modest adventurer was the Warrior himself!
After the Warrior had performed to everyone's delight, the Wandering Minstrel made another of his famed appearances, to perform a song in tribute, and yet again encourage the great hero to persist. (5)
Inspired by the Warrior of Light's own performance, the lead actor would soon retake the stage, but few would soon forget the personal appearance! (6)
(4) Quest: A Play in Three Acts
(5) Quest: The Show Must Go On
(6) Quest: After the Curtain Falls
A play in three acts


A reoccurRing Bug
As the Rising came 'round again, so too did those pesky forgekin bugs. Fortunately, the Wandering Minstrel was on hand again to attend to them--but vanished along with them.
Adventurers dispatched to uncover his fate by Nonora, found that there was a teleportation ward in the midst of the field of battle. Using it, they came upon him in a strange place, where he was prying through the "mind" of a destroyed bug to find the "command" that would release him back to Eorzea. Having spent all his strength, he tasked the adventurers with the search; and therein, they discovered a world not unlike the now-popular Cheap Dungeon game.
They found the command and released him, and in gratitude, he penned another of his prophetic songs and departed. (7)
(7) Quest: A Reoccurring Bug

Dural Tharal of The Mythril Eye was on the hunt for a story worthy of the Rising this year. With the Immortal Flames preparing for a re-enactment of the Battle of Carteneau Flats (with an eye toward learning from the past), Dural thought it a good time for a retrospective on the Calamity. With a friendly (and very quiet) adventurer in tow, he interviewed soldiers, an adventurer (who was suspiciously moogle-like), thaumaturges, and the selfsame Wandering Minstrel who always seems to be in evidence around this time of year.
It seemed the adventurer in question derived an entirely other experience from the song the Minstrel sang that day... (8)
(8) Quest: In Adventurers We Trust
in adventurers we trust

messages in bottles
The Moonfire Faire this year had met with tremendous success--but large crowds oft leave large messes behind them, heedless of what it might mean to the attendants. P'obyano was glad of the help of passing adventurers in clearing up trash and rejectamenta.
Among the flotsam in the sand, however, lay an intact bottle, with a message within. Curious as to its contents, but unable to make heads nor tails of the writing within, P'obyano sent adventurers to her friend Bran of The Harbor Herald. He recognized the passages as part of a prophecy, given by none other than the Wandering Minstrel.
As it turns out, the Minstrel recalled these bottles. Before the Calamity, he had engaged adventurers to help him in scribing them, and throwing them into the sea.
It is said that more of those messages were found--but seemingly in other hands, and speaking of cryptic tasks... (1)
(1) Quest: Message in a Bottle
Many are the ways of capturing history, and one such is in stained glass. The much-renowned artisan J'bhen Tia had prepared a glorious vignette showing the Sultana, and those who had supported her, during an uprising that took place amid the Battle of Carteneau. (9)
Though discouraged by the uncharitable heart of his old friend (become a moneylender), J'bhen persevered, and even the shattering of the window could not dismay him entirely. With the help of the Warrior of Light, he repaired the window in time for the grand reveal.
The Wandering Minstrel performed an ode to the Sultana's speech on that infamous day, one that resulted in the citizens laying down their arms and forgetting their anger in that troubled time, and that and the window touched the hearts of all present--including Astin, J'bhen's friend, who determined to end his career as a moneylender and once again become an art dealer. (10)
(9) Quest: Art of Glass
(10) Quest: Glass from the Past

rising calm
art of glass
Intrepid reporter for The Raven Kipih Jakkya arrived in Ul'dah, hot on the trail of a flower buyer. This mystery man purchased every Nymeia lily to be had in Gridania, and brought them all to Ul'dah, to the Alchemists' Guild.
As it turned out, the man was none other than the Wandering Minstrel, and the lilies were destined to become soothing potpourri. These he meant to distribute before, during, and after his concert on the Ruby Road Exchange--a balm for grieving souls and wounded hearts.
It is reported that Kipih and none other than the Warrior of Light helped to distribute potpourri to all and sundry, and that, after delivering a new and prophetic song, the Wandering Minstrel departed to wherever it is he goes. (11)
(11) Quest: Rising Calm


Newfound journey
Many were the fresh-faced young adventurers to join the Guild this year, as so many had come of age--among them, the younger brother of Kipih Jakkya herself, Naghi'a. The Wandering Minstrel's quest, this time, was to find items of significance to the Calamity, and richly did he reward those who brought him something. Yet again, receiving his wish, he delivered another of his prophetic verses, and went his way. (12)
(12) Quest: Newfound Journey