All Saints' wake

To the foreigner’s eye, All Saints’ Wake seems quite confusing. Why would Eorzeans, who have struggled against wild beasts and Voidsent alike, make merry among the likenesses of dark creatures, on a night that is the anniversary of the Night of Devilry, no less? (1)(2) But, in fact, this holiday is a celebration of triumph and a declaration of freedom from fear, wrapped up in a candy-coated elation that even children may enjoy.
(1) Quest: A Plague of Pumpkins
(2) Quest: Joining the Circus
Some say that the purpose of much of this is to invoke terror, and bring about another Night of Devilry; but others believe that the charm and merriment are there to turn it aside. Similarly, some say that the Great Gourd, a figure of legend, is the leader of those who would make the Wake dark and frightening; but others maintain that she is not only legend, but a guardian who has prevented it time and again.
In contrast to her is the Doomsday Clown. Known variously as “Papa Gruff” and the “Scarlet Snout”, this fiend is held to be the most vicious of fiends unleashed on the Night of Devilry, and he has no patience to wait for the call. He answers to none, and seeks out souls to feed to his cruel brood. (4)
(4) Quest: A Feast to Remember
This celebration was originally not a joyful occasion whatsoever, but instead "The Night of Devilry". As it was believed, the various Saints of the Twelve lingered upon the star, warding away things of darkness and terror from the honest citizens. But for one night of the year, those Saints were summoned to the Seventh Heaven to partake of a feast. While none would begrudge these stalwart protectors a night’s rest and the recognition of the gods, this nonetheless left the smallfolk unguarded.
It was customary for said smallfolk to take to their homes on that night, gathering with their families, and barricade the doors against the fearsome fiends. However, the advent of the adventurers as a fixture of the realm meant that the streets and alleys and highways became safer, and the terror that accompanied the Wake was utterly allayed. (3)

Fear dispelled becomes bravado and derision, and All Saints’ Wake has taken on a wholly new face. Where once the streets were dark and abandoned, they now glitter with warding lanterns, and the young and young-at-heart gambol about in charming costumes in quest of treats.
This being a harvest celebration, the decorations tend toward pumpkins and other fall vegetables. The gourds lend themselves most readily toward carving and lighting–and wearing as hats on occasion. Creepy and troubling pests such as bats and spiders also find pride of place among the decorations, as well as “ghosts” that resemble nothing so much as a child under a bedsheet.

Past Celebrations
impish impositions

Just before the Calamity, wardens assigned to guard a clutch of imps in Limsa Lominsa decided that what’s good for a saint is good for a sinner, and took the night of All Saints’ Wake off for themselves. To nobody’s surprise, the imps made their escape–but rather than tearing around the countryside, they issued a challenge to the Adventurers’ Guild: If enough adventurers could answer enough riddles, the imps would surrender without a fight. Fortunately, there was a surplus of clever adventurers that year, so the imps were defeated without a single weapon drawn or child terrified. (5)
(5) Quest: Impish Impositions (1.0)

Monstrous mummery
Some years after the Calamity, the Continental Circus took upon itself the task of brightening All Saints’ Wake. Adventurers who came by to partake were gifted ghost costumes and bade to light warding lanterns for the smallfolk. This year, as well, rumors of a spirit known as the Great Gourd ran rampant–a pumpkin-headed being who might be friend or foe, or something in between, but certainly only able to walk the star during this time of the year. (6)
Rumor also has it that the Impresario of the Circus was actually an imp in disguise, and his fellows ashkin…but this was never confirmed. (7)
(6) Quest: I Burn for You
(7) Quest: Monstrous Mummery
Under the new guidance of a woman posing as the Great Gourd, the Continental Circus made a second appearance to lift spirits during All Saints’ Wake. Feigning to be trying to bring about the Night of Devilry, they urged adventurers to go about in glamoured costumes, dispensing festal charms (which promote a sense of well-being) to parade-goers. Indeed, a good time was had by all. (8)(1)(9)
(8) Quest: Affright and Delight
(1) Quest: A Plague of Pumpkins
(9) Quest: Yes We Cant
affright and delight


investigating the inimical
The Continental Circus’s work took a rather darker turn this year, according to rumor. Promising sweets to the young children of the cities, the Circus performers lured them to Hyrstmill, where the children were glamoured with “costumes”--but no mere illusions were these, but actual transformations meant to make the children into monsters! The Great Gourd and her chosen champion were quick to reverse the spell with magical cookies, and (quite literally) swept away the memory of the magic from the fiends with an enchanted broom. Though the Fane has seen fit to let them continue entertaining, some maintain that this year was truly more terrifying than terrific! (10)(2)(11)
(10) Quest: Investigating the Inimical
(2) Quest: Joining the Circus
(11) Quest: Sweeping the Meadows

Yet once more, the Continental Circus appeared in Gridania, for to help celebrate the Wake. This year, a marvelous haunted house brimful with clever illusions was the main attraction, and those who partook were rewarded with sweet pumpkin cookies. Rumor abounds that this was no illusion, and that the purpose was to bring about the Night of Devilry, but as none came to harm and no devilry was deviled, that may only be rumor. (12)
(12) Quest: In a Manor of Spooking
in a manor of spooking

the adventurer who cried wolfman
This year’s Wake saw the haunted manor once more, but also something new: a Lupin, who had made his way from Doma to see Eorzea. Saddened by people’s fear of his ferocious features, he sought to join the Continental Circus. Encouraged by them to use his fearful visage to advertise their manor and wolf costumes, he brought much merriment to the people of Gridania, and found in return acceptance. Rather than join, though, he determined to travel all over the realm to make new friends. (13)(14)
(13) Quest: An Othardian Wolfman in Gridania
(14) Quest: The Adventurer Who Cried Wolfman
The Continental Circus, emboldened by years of their antics let pass by the authorities, set up their haunted manor yet again. However, this time they made little attempt to disguise their devilry, spiriting away a Miqo’te girl to turn her into a pumpkin. The Wailers prepared to storm the manor, but an adventurer, with the help of the Great Gourd and two former lamps-become-ghosts, rescued both her and the honorable man who took her place as a pumpkin, one Dawkin. Though this infraction were enough to have the fiends driven forth, the Wailers decided rather to keep the Circus where they might be watched--closely. (15)(16)(17)
(15) Quest: The Sinister Soiree
(16) Quest: The Parlous Ploy
(17) Quest: The Sordid Cipher

fear and delight
The sinister Soirée
Not all under the employ of the Continental Circus are wicked, nor are they necessarily good at their jobs. Such was true of an ahriman, whose eye failed to glare fearfully. With the aid of adventurers, the Voidsent learned his trade--but by that point, he had come to enjoy the company of adventurers more than the Circus. (18)
(18) Quest: Fear and Delight


all clowns' wake
With so many Wakes past with no Night of Devilry, it was inevitable that one particular fiend would weary of waiting: the notorious Doomsday Clown. Quite apart from the Continental Circus, he began moving about in Gridania, issuing invitations of his own to a feast; but those who accepted, soon found themselves not the guests but the main course! The Adventurers’ Guild was on the spot to prevent this terrible fate from befalling the innocent, with use of warding lanterns and holy water, and thus was the Clown thwarted and driven back to the darkness. (19)(4)
(19) Quest: All Clowns’ Wake
(4) Quest: A Feast to Remember
The Doomsday Clown would not be denied, and strove again to bring about the Night of Devilry, this time by means of transforming people and harvesting their despair. However, he was given a dose of his own bitter medicine, when he ate a cookie infused with dispelling potion. Some say it was merely some masked doctor who brewed the cure, but others insist it was none other than the Great Gourd herself! Upon his defeat, rumor goes, she pledged to the Warrior of Light that she would see to it “Papa Gruff” would trouble the people no more, and that All Saints’ Wake would continue to be a light-hearted amusement for Man and monster alike. (20)
(20) Quest: A Mad Masquerade

a mad masquerade