The contents of these pages are written from the perspective of a character within the game, so new information from the Myths of the Realm raid, or content pertaining to some primals, won't be represented here. Don't worry about spoilers!))
If there is one constant in the life of a Spoken being, it is that we will worship something. Whether it be the ancestors or deities of our peoples, or something invented to the purpose, or just some higher cause like Progress or Peace, our spiritual eyes are drawn upwards to that which we deem higher and better and nobler than ourselves.
Thus, not only are we driven to great and worthy deeds by the belief that we are not all there is, made safe from the excesses of self-worship, and shielded from the heavy burden of being always perfect...there is a known connection between the worship of deities and capacity for magic.
There are those in this world who deem this a terrible thing, and in their ignorance and self-righteousness, desire to stamp out all belief and bring the world under their heel--and thus, ironically, make themselves the gods of this world. Envy drives them, and arrogance, and the conviction that belief holds us back from perfection (which, ironically, is itself a creed that drives them with fervor, declared without proofs and against reason).
Still, the siren song of apotheosis can seduce even the most good-hearted. Therefore, this book I write with the intent that we know the gods--our own and those of others. Know them, know their benevolence, know their will, and perhaps will we not only avoid the errors of the anti-theist, but increase our own goodness and move together toward a world, while not perfect, more full of shining hope and joy.
--Ceredan Brooks