Welcome to our humble collection!
Just as you enter, you can find a display of items relevant to the current holiday, along with pamphlets about it--or, if no holiday is ongoing, a case containing curiosities of general interest. Please help yourself to a pamphlet and learn more about the traditions and amusements of Eorzea!
The main stacks are upstairs, along with tables; and on the ground floor, a cozy nook where you can simply relax and read.

The desk you see under the loft is part of the owner's office; please do not disturb anything you might find there. Though he is himself quite happy to be disturbed, should you come upon him!
Under the loft, you might also spy two mammets at work. These are our printers, "Hanky" and "Panky", brought in safely from Ul'dah to copy whatever printed works are laid before them. (1) Please do not disturb them or their books and documents; they can be very temperamental.
(We apologize for their unfortunate names, but Ceredan dubbed them so before he knew what the words meant; and now, they will answer to naught else.)
1. 4Gamer.net interview with Banri Oda, August 11, 2021

The Brooks Library, open to the public, can be found in the twenty-first ward of Mist, plot 59.

Just here for the catalogue? We have the following collections continually being updated:
Celebrations of Eorzea ((holiday lore))