"The Memorist's Path" is an effort to help my fellow roleplayers in the Final Fantasy XIV community, from newbies to veterans, to enjoy a greater confidence in our knowledge of the lore of the game. The developers of the game have done so much to build a massive, lush, intricate world for us to enjoy, and therefore it is easy to miss the fine details they've sprinkled throughout quest text, dialogue, and even the visuals themselves as you're playing through the game.

So, thank you for visiting my humble site, and I hope you find that it's giving back to you, as part of a community that has given much to me! May you find here the next nifty little plot hook or twist, the next fun detail in your character's bio, or the next impressive bit of knowledge your character can toss out in conversation! May you ever walk in the Light!
But this is not at all to replace other, more established resources! In fact, you'll find that I often refer to and make use of such wonderful sites like Gamer Escape, Garland Tools, Mirke's Menagerie, and others. My objective is just to provide a more leisurely means to access this information--in a way your character might encounter it in-universe. Why not have fun while you prepare to have fun?

And as an added bonus, I'm also tracking the sources. Want to know where details are so you can go and experience them yourself? Want to just offer up your bona fides for your RP choices? Want to reassure everyone that you're not merely speculating, but using real canon? All you need do is read on, and a handy-dandy citation, complete with link, awaits that you can then hold over your friends' hea--I mean, feel confident your RP fits in seamlessly with the game's world.
One of my favorite things in roleplay is helping other people accomplish what they set out to do with their characters and stories, as much in-character as possible. And as I've always had a gift for fiddly details and grindy work (ask me about my relic-weapon collection!) and for organizing information into more digestible forms...
I've undertaken to try to give back to the community in the form of an in-character library and books. Information in them will be, to the best of my ability, what a well-informed Eorzean would reasonably know, so that anything that's written on this site is knowledge you can "grant" to your character; if challenged, you can just say your character read it in one of Ceredan's books!