
Newspapers, be they biased or no, do not only give us an idea of what is happening beyond our own view in the moment; they also provide a snapshot of events as they happened, and attitudes around them, for those looking back from the future. Much worth remembering can be forgotten, if we are not vigilant to preserve it.

((During the lead-up to the Seventh Umbral Calamity in 1.x, the Lodestone hosted many in-character articles from the three main cities' official newspapers--or tabloids, if you prefer. Those were removed from the official site with the change to ARR, but have been carefully preserved by sites such as Fragmenterworks and Gamer Escape. We will also republish those articles here, for ease of access, along with links to the archives from which we pull them. Please at least give them a click and a visit after you're done reading!))

The Newspapers

The Raven
The Raven is the leading periodical of the city-state of Gridania, though its reporting reach far exceeds this. Lacking the access to market information and international waters that the other two publishments enjoy, The Raven more than makes up for it with a flurry of extra editions, printing and distributing as fast as the news arrives at their offices.
As a result, The Raven has broken a much higher number of news stories than the others, and if something of import is happening, there is like to be a Raven circling nearby. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 1, p. 186

OIiver Goodfellow, chief correspondent
Kipih Jakkya, reporter
"High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees."
Hatching-Tide exclusive (04/15/11)
Hatching-Tide follow-up (04/26/11)
The Last Word: Storm over Gridania (04/27/11)
Hatching-Tide conclusion (05/09/11)
The Last Word: A Tempest of Testimonies (06/17/11)
Hunter's Moon: The Curse of Dalamud (09/02/11)

The Mythril Eye
True to the city of the Traders, Ul'dah's leading publication is primarily dedicated to the reporting and tracking of economics and marketplaces. Though it reports less on matters social, its editorial standards are exacting--as they ought to be, with many fortunes depending upon its inerrancy--and its non-economic features tend toward the intellectual, such as Havak Alvak's column "The Living Lexicon", which treats of the words and tongues of all races of mankind. (1)
The newspaper is not, however, without scandals to mar its pages. For example, it was revealed that one of its leading writers, Ellie Ryse, had exclusive information about the career of the notorious Phantom Thief not due to her investigative skills, but because she was in fact in league with her. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 1, p. 186
(2) Quest: Sibling Strife

Havak Alvak, senior editor
Osaku Ysaku, military correspondent
Tzetzelun Tzelun, economist
Dural Theral, reporter
"Never blinking and all-seeing, The Mythril Eye misses naught that transpires within the lustrous domain of coin."
Disaster at the Darkhold (07/11/2011)
Mutamix's Materia (08/19/2011)
Foundation Day Cometh! (09/16/11)

The Harbor Herald
Seafarers need know the outlook for their journeys, whether it be possible storms at sea, or storms within the ports. For this reason, The Harbor Herald, preeminent publishment in Limsa Lominsa, dedicates much of its print space to international affairs. With privateers and pirate crews now folded into the authority of the Maelstrom, there is no small amount of reporting done on military operations, as well. Gossip, too, finds its place, for pirates are as fickle as the sea upon which they sail, and a grudge between two buccaneers can swiftly blow up into a storm of its own, involving whole crews and any bystander misfortunate enough to be caught in the middle.
The Herald's diligent reporting resulted in two major, international stories being reported first under their banner: Ishgard beginning again to export their splendid chocobo steeds in the last days of the Sixth Astral Era, and Naldiq & Vymelli developing a revolutionary barding for said birds, which has become common since. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 1, p. 186

Petyr Winsome, correspondent
Dympna, gossip columnist ("Catch of the Day")
Bran, junior correspondent
"Connecting all lands and peoples in her everlasting embrace, the sea bears to Limsa Lominsa the wisdom and voices of a thousand shores."
The Maelstrom in Ishgard (07/21/2011)
Firefall Faire, Special Edition! (08/08/2011)