Green fields, gently rolling hills, and the occasional rainbow after a storm, Middle La Noscea is well suited not only to farming, but also to being the first bit of wider Eorzea that many new adventurers encounter.
But not all is as peaceful as it appears; the Calamity worked vast changes upon the land, from the upwelling of two new rivers to shearing the very region in twain with a vast cliff.
Middle La Noscea is typically treated as three separate regions: Summerford, the Zephyr Drift, and the Three-Malm Bend.


What is now known as Summerford was once rather more arid, home mostly to wildflowers and grasses. However, the same Calamity that destroyed Camp Bearded Rock (a Yellowjacket outpost) unleashed the waters under the land; two new rivers begin to carve their paths through the region, watering the soil and making it greener, and ideal for farming.
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106


The Calamity cost many pirate crews their ships and, therefore, livelihoods; Captain Staelwyrn and his men were no exception. Admiral Merlwyb extended to them a mutually-beneficial opportunity: a farm to replace the ship that cannot be rebuilt with any speed. They would make a blameless, honest living, and Limsa Lominsa would have a new and well-tended farm. Captain Staelwyrn accepted quickly, and was granted Summerford Farms. (2)
Of course, men who labor at sea are not always agreeable to laboring in the fields; Staelwyrn is oft hard-pressed to keep his farmhands on task. But nevertheless, with his firm guiding hand and the assistance of experienced botanists, Summerford begins to prosper, producing splendid oranges that are quite popular among the Yellowjackets at the La Thagran Checkpoint. (3)
(2) Quest: On to Summerford
(3) Quest: Double Dealing
Unremarkable to the mere passerby, a shallow cavern is hollowed out of the rolling hills of Summerford. But to those seeking a place to honor Llymlaen, it is the home of a small shrine. Within stands an ancient monolith, engraved with a prayer. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106

Those who have visited Eastern La Noscea well know that the Agelyss River has always flowed from west to east, emptying into the Merlthor Strait. But the Calamity changed many things, and broke open the waterways beneath the earth. The wellspring of the Agelyss River has created a second flow, this one westerly into the Rhotano Sea, that waters the northern part of Summerford. (4) (1)
(4) Map: Eastern La Noscea
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106

Tiller's Rest is an outpost of Summerford Farms. Staelwyrn put Pfrewahl in charge of the landlocked pirates working hereabout--though what little work he can get out of the fieldhands between their violent tussles is oft interrupted by the theft of their tools. (5) (6)
Though nigh the Agelyss River, the waters are not quite enough to make the soil fertile; to that end is employed "blackloam"--a polite term for dung from the aurochs dwelling in the Cookpot. (7)
(5) Quest: Plowshares to Swords
(6) Quest: A Pound of Cure
(7) Quest: Loam Maintenance

The Cookpot lies in the midst of a peculiar formation of rock, walled in on all sides save the western. Its name was given it by the locals, who are oft concerned about what troubles might be brewing within. (1)
It is thought that Menuis, a bull aurochs of unusual size, is the cause for the wounded aurochs in the area to be so aggressive. Nonetheless, farmers from Tiller's Rest are wont to gather fertilizer here. (7) (8)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(7) Quest: Loam Maintenance
(8) FATE: Menuis at Work


The Zephyr Gate of Limsa Lominsa opens into Middle La Noscea. Both the Zephyr Drift and the gate are named for the west wind that passes over the grasslands from the Galadion Bay.
Guarded well by the Yellowjackets, the Zephyr Gate is the passage between Limsa Lominsa's Lower Decks and Middle La Noscea. A series of drawbridges and portcullises stand between the heart of the city and any who would invade by foot.
The bridges pass over the Galadion Bay, named for the great ship that bore the city's founders from Aerslaent. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106

Wending its way to the La Noscean Lowlands from Limsa Lominsa is the La Thagran Eastroad; and athwart it stands the Checkpoint of the same name. Both are named for Guy La Thagran, an adventurer from the crew of the Galadion. Established and once manned by the Maelstrom, the Yellowjackets keep watch here now. (1)(2)(3)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(9) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 95
(10) NPC Dialogue: Ostfyr

Along with the Agelyss River to the north, this waterway is new to Middle La Noscea. But it was not long without a name; no sooner had its waters begun to flow, than smugglers and thieves started using them to transport their contraband. (1)
A group of unfriendly goblins has set up camp at the river's headwaters, and all along its length are vicious pugils and yarzons, the latter of which Ostfyr at the La Thagran Checkpoint sometimes hires adventurers to cull. (11)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(11) Quest: Yarzon, Yarzoff


The northernmost reach of Middle La Noscea is called the Three-Malm Bend. Bounded to the south by the sheer cliffs of the Descent, it extends a literal three malms north, unto the De Nevelle Checkpoint and the passage into Western La Noscea.
Though its western shore is another cliff, cartographers say that its lowest point is barely above sea level. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106

In few places is the devastation wrought by the Calamity more evident than the Descent. The fires of Bahamut rained down upon the land around the Nym River, cleaving it in twain and shearing a great cliff. (1) (12)
The new cliff face was initially named "the Descent" so as to warn way hapless travelers from falling over its edge. Now, tremendous staircases and a system of pulleys give the name better meaning: a safe passage from top to bottom, and vice versa. (1) (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(12) NPC Dialogue: Wyrkrhit

With the Descent being torn right into the landscape of Middle La Noscea, overland trade routes to Wineport, Swiftperch, Bronze Lake and beyond were quite severed. Faced with the potential for extinction--or, at least, economic losses--the cargo companies of Limsa Lominsa banded together and hired the platforms and pulley systems of the Skylift built. And so, the bustle and cutthroat of business as usual resumed, with the addition of great leather balloons to take cargo directly to the city. (1) (13) (14)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(13) NPC Dialogue: Kazai Buoyzai
(14) Quest: Out to Dry

The Nym River was not always a river, nor named for the ancient Nymian Empire. When the Calamity ripped apart Middle La Noscea, it also broke open the shores of Bronze Lake; the waters gushed forth through the new channel in a flood, turning the river from its course. (1)
With the draining of the lake revealing a once-flooded temple to Oschon the Wanderer, this river was dubbed for the great civilization that worshipped Him.
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106

Five years ago, Woad Whisper Canyon was little more than a dent in the landscape. The Calamity changed this, ripping open the shores of Bronze Lake and pouring forth the Nym River. (1)
Carved swiftly and violently into the earth, it is now ironically known as a place of peaceful enjoyment. The waterfall sends up a lasting cool mist, and local laborers resort here on hot days. Alas, so too do bandits; it were well for travelers to keep out a watchful eye. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106

Yet another entrance to the city from the island, the doors of the Foremast are not open to adventurers or ordinary men. This tower is strictly staffed by the Yellowjackets--though sometimes, they stand to be ejected by the ever-hostile wespes that swarm nearby. (1) (15)
The name of the tower follows the same convention as the Mizzenmast and Aftcastle within the city: the mast nearest a ship's bow, which takes the lead in all battles. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(15) FATE: Go Wespe

Two men of the Galadion's crew struck forth, upon landfall, to explore the coasts and inlands of La Noscea: Guy La Thagran and Jean De Nevelle. For them are named the checkpoints north and south of this region. (1)(9)
The De Nevelle Checkpoint is manned by the Maelstrom, and controls passage to Wineport and Eastern La Noscea beyond. In light of Castrum Occidens and its complement of Garlean forces, the Storm soldiers posted here train continuously. (1) (16)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 106
(9) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 95
(16) FATE: A Mad, Mad Mad Sergeant