Making up the southern coast of Vylbrand, the region called Lower La Noscea is home to both tumbling hills and lush farmland, sheer desolate cliffs and bustling towns, rivers and underground lakes.
Typically, Lower La Noscea is treated as three distinct areas: Cedarwood, Moraby Bay, and the Gods' Grip. As well, a fourth region, Mist, is sometimes considered to be part of Lower La Noscea--although, since its repurposing for adventurer housing, Mist has come to be treated as its own special location.
In this region, you may find countless references to the two gods whose aspect is wind: Llymlaen, the goddess of the ocean, and Oschon, god of the mountains and of wanderers.


Cedarwood was originally named for the tall, proud trees that covered the lush land atop the Widow Cliffs. However, as Limsa Lominsa increasingly felled the trees to make masts and decks, those forests are depleted. But they are not desolate; where once were cedars, now are fruit orchards and fields, growing hardier and thriving. (1)
Though the jungles and beaches of Eastern La Noscea stand between it and O'Ghomoro, the kobolds nonetheless make forays into the area, and galago monkeys and mandragora are prevalent pests. (2) (3) (4)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 107
(2) FATE: Enter Beastman
(3) Quest: Wake of Destruction
(4) Levequest: March of the Mandragoras

The Red Rooster Stead was established some generations ago, and is now the largest farmstead in the region of Cedarwood. Under the watchful eye of Anaoc, who resumed headship after the Calamity, this farm and those near it are not the breadbasket of Limsa Lominsa, but a place in which innovations in farming are tried and embraced. They are content to lose even an entire harvest, if new knowledge can be wrested for the future. (1) (5)

The farm was originally named for a rare rooster with bright red plumage; naturally, it was entered into the cockfights which made the pastime of the farmers, and it engaged with such violence that everything was painted red with blood. (1)
And the farm is now no stranger to bloodshed, as kobolds and pests encroach nearer and nearer. To that end, the Adventurers' Guild posted a levemete, Wyrkholsk, to help with both defense and supply to the community.
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 107
(5) NPC Dialogue: Anaoc

The southerly winds forever blow along the Merlthor Strait and across the Widow Cliffs. To make the most of this generous gift of Llymlaen, millers built the Grey Fleet--a series of windmills that grind wheat to flour, and process fleece into good wool and felt. (1)
The current high miller of the Fleet is Weitzaren, who is always glad of the help of adventurers. (6)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 107
(6) Quest: Flour Power

In the current market of high metal demand, the miners under Broenruht's watchful eye delve fanatically. This activity, however, is little compared with three years ago, when it was mined stem-to-stern, day and night, until there was a haze of dust so thick, the miners resorted to "blind iron mining". (7) (8)
Pockets of brimstone, however, provide a constant threat--not just of suffocation, but assault by syrphid clouds. The miners oft use earth crystals to restore the earth and plug those leaks. (7)
(7) Quest: Fire and Brimstone
(8) NPC Dialogue: K'wabati

An abandoned house hard by the passage into Eastern La Noscea. While it would seem unremarkable at first, its isolation has made it a suitable location for black-market and other shady dealings to take place--and far worse, occasionally a mustering point for kobolds who mean to strike farther south into the lush farmlands, to take a spoil. (9) (10) (11)
(9) Quest: Sweet Sorrows
(10) Quest: Medieval Espionage
(11) Quest: Lone Survivor