In contrast to the windswept plains of the west of Vylbrand, Eastern La Noscea is equal parts lush, overgrown jungle and sunny beaches.

As a result of its diversity of clime, Eastern La Noscea is typically treated as three distinct regions: the beaches of Bloodshore, the thick jungle of Raincatcher Gully, and the rocky, arid Agelyss Wise.


Fifty years ago, Bloodshore was known by a different name. That name, though, was lost in the wake of a tremendous naval battle between the League of Lost Bastards (captained at the time by Bloefhis Bloefhisyn) and the fleet of Rycharde Mistbeard, pirate of legend. The Lost Bastards came away victorious, but at great cost: four galleys sunk, and hundreds of sailors dead. Their bodies came to rest on the beaches, and by the time they were swept back out by the tide, the sands had been stained crimson. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108


Costa del Sol, not unlike the region itself, is not the original name of the village built upon the shore of the Strait of Merlthor. Until recently, farmers struggled to till the soil; official reports reflect that the salt content was simply too high, however, and no crops worthy of the name were ever produced. (Though some of those farmers still allege they were doing well enough.) (1) (2)
The Ul'dahn merchant prince Gegeruju seized the opportunity to purchase the land, and Admiral Merlwyb accepted the very generous bid. (2)
The soil could not support more conventional crops, but is very suited to the flora of the Cieldalaes. Gegeruju spent vast sums to import plants that would transform the once-barren fields into a tropical paradise village--or, at least, a reasonable facsimile thereof. (1) (2)
Unfortunately, with lush vegetation comes creatures both herbivorous and carnivorous, and Costa del Sol makes extensive use of levequests to keep the populations under control. (3) Of particular concern are will-o'-the-wisps, which have been known to lure elderly residents out onto the beach at night. (4)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(2) Quest: Bird's-Eye View
(3) Levemete: Nahctahr
(4) FATE: Follow the Light
Gullperch Tower is not merely a Maelstrom garrison, but a beacon tower to warn off hapless vessels from the rocks at its foot--and a watchtower to ensure that pirates and Sahagin will not take the people of Bloodshore by surprise. (1)
The Tower endures the occasional raid by qiqirn, who have encamped somewhat to the west, and the soldiers there are always glad of assistance in pushing the thieving rat-men back out. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(5) FATE: Careless Whiskers

It appears to be little more than a shallow cave in the cliffside, its entryway barred by fallen branches, but word has it that this cave was once the lair of a ferocious manticore known as the Garlok. Naturally, Master Gegeruju thought it wise to hire adventurers to have a look to see if the Garlok still dwelt there--and rumor has it that it did, until it was disturbed. (1)
Now, the Garlok roams the region, the subject of hunt bills, and its lair stands empty. (6)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(6) Hunt: The Garlok

The Agelyss River does not deign merely to surrender its waters to the sea; it instead makes a graceful, eternal leap into a pool, sheltered on three sides by sandstone cliffs. Entranced by the beauty, Gegeruju built a stage from which to view it--and when he tires of that vignette, his favorite dancers. (1)
One may also find here a Hellsguard warrior, Curious Gorge, where he practices his martial craft day and night in the waters. (7)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(7) Quest: Pride and Duty (Will Take You From the Mountain)

The Hidden Falls Docks are the eastern stop of the Agelyss River ferry. As the only other means to travel to Raincatcher Gully from Bloodshore is to circle south through Lower La Noscea, a ride upriver is no luxury, but a downright necessity to those traveling to and from Wineport and points west and north.
Scrupulously neat, the stones themselves whitewashed, the ferry dock also hosts a chocobo porter stand.

Within swimming distance of Costa del Sol lie two islands. The smaller one to the south is called the Isle of Endless Summer, while the larger is "creatively" referred to as the North Isle of Endless Summer.
One would think this to mean the southern isle is the more culturally prominent of the two, but ironically, the North isle is the place where holidays such as the Moonfire Faire are hosted. The current proprietor is Jiriri, manager in the employ of Master Gegeruju. (8)
(8) Quest: The Isle and the Faire


Eastern La Noscea is divided in two by mountains. To the east lie sparkling beaches and tumbling hills; but inside of those mountains, a rich jungle of tree and vine and beast flourishes.
Of particular note is the abundance of flowers, most of which, inexplicably, are red. However, the blue flowers near the passage to Lower La Noscea have a distinct and powerful scent that, when made into a perfume, either absolutely tantalizes or absolutely offends the nose. (1)(9)
The wildlife in this region has grown increasingly aggressive since the Seventh Umbral Calamity, and some creatures have shown up that have never been seen before. (10)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(9) Quest: Moving On (Main Scenario)
(10) NPC Dialogue: Rhitskylt

The western landing of the ferry that travels up and down the Agelyss River is rather less tidy than its sister. Built of boards rather than the white stone so prevalent in Lominsan architecture, it nonetheless does what is expected: grant safe harbor to travelers between Costa del Sol and Wineport, provide storerooms and rest for its workers, and not fall apart. (1)
But it is not only workers who appear to make use of the storerooms; of late, persons of Far Eastern appearance and mannerisms have been seen coming and going, their passage checked only by one man standing vigil at the door...
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108

Brayflox Alltalks was once a member of the Company of Heroes, who helped to defeat Titan and Leviathan before the Calamity. Now, she pursues her dreams of building an empire of cheese, and constructed an outpost of her own in the jungle, which she dubbed the Longstop. (11)
Little did she know that a dragon named Aiatar would claim the Longstop for its lair, nor that the Illuminati might someday overrun it; in both cases, she called upon the assistance of the Warrior of Light. (11) (12)
(11) Quest: The Things We Do For Cheese
(12) Quest: Curds and Slay

The Agelyss River cascades from its headwaters at the Red Mantis Falls. However, its beauty is quite marred by its being the favorite breeding and spawning ground of red mantises, where hatchings of eggs occasionally cause trouble for the locals. (1)(13)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(13) FATE: Them

Deep in the jungle and far from prying eyes, the dilapidated shack known as the Severed String was once, rumor has it, used as a black-market outpost for smuggled and stolen goods. However, some years ago, it was abandoned, and it is whispered that it now houses only deserters from the Garlean army. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108

Not much is known of this rusting hulk, save that it crashed to its current resting place around the time of the Calamity.
Though it has been well picked-over by salvagers and scavengers, there is very occasionally a nice bit of technology to be found by eyes that understand what they see--that is, if the local goobbues haven't found it a tempting morsel first. (14)
(14) Quest: Always the Last Place You Look


The Agelyss Wise is an arid and tumbling region on the north of Eastern La Noscea. It stands in peculiar contrast to the lush Raincatcher Gully to its south, and the swamps of Upper La Noscea to the north.
It is named specifically for the ancient road that lies mostly in ruins, one that many believe to predate even the Allagan Empire. (1)

Few landmarks can be found here, beyond the village of Wineport and Castrum Occidens, staring one another down across the highway. The area is mostly populated by grass raptors, goobbues, pelicans, mandragora, buffalo, and the occasional coeurl--many of them become ferocious since the advent of the Seventh Umbral Calamity. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(15) Levequest: Wonder Wine

Lominsans have a peculiar sense of humor about nomenclature; witness "the Fisherman's Bottom" in the city itself. So too with "Wineport". Despite being landlocked, Wineport is named not for its nonexistent sparkling shores, but for its brisk business as a trade village. (1)
As for putting the "wine" in "Wineport", that is the province of Byrglaent, master vintner of the village. Between the fertile soil and wellsprings of excellent mineral water, the finest grapes in Eorzea grow here. (1)
Of particular note is Wineport's famous Bacchus grapevine. Thought lost to the fires of the Calamity, wine from the Bacchus grape became a precious commodity, not to be had for love nor money. But to the surprise and rejoicing of all, it was found out that a vine had escaped onto the back of a goobbue to thrive unnoticed, and thus a great treasure of viticulture was restored. (16)
Currently, Wineport is bottling its first batch since the Calamity. (17)
True Wineport wines bear a miniature of Byrglaent's face upon their etiquettes (labels), and their bottling accepts only the highest quality of cork. Sadly, its waste-disposal habits involve dumping its greywater and spoiled batches into the Agelyss River to the south--and has turned the gigantoads there into very aggressive winos themselves. Thus, Wineport faces not just grass raptors as a threat to their crops, but also the massive toads. (17)(18)(19)(20)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(16) Quest: It Was a Very Good Year
(17) Quest: Mona Lisa Smile
(18) Quest: Put a Cork In It
(19) Quest: Anise, Chocolate, and a Hint of Toad
(20) Quest: Raptor 'round Your Little Finger

Castrum Occidens is a recent addition to the landscape of La Noscea. It was constructed at the foot of a great crystal spire formed by the crash of a fragment of Dalamud to earth, and stands astride a vast cavern that runs malms underground. (1)The outpost was commanded by Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, and thrown into some disarray first by his death at Cape Westwind, and then by Operation Archon. (21)
This disarray was quite enough to permit the Warrior of Light and Alisaie Leveilleur, along with a handful of fellow adventurers, to force their merry way into the outpost and thence into the very caverns it was set to guard. (22)
Loath to grant any peace or rest to the enemy emplaced within their lands, Admiral Merlwyb daily issues hunt bills, putting a bounty on Garlean troops stationed in or around the Castrum. (23)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 108
(21) Quest: Operation Archon
(22) Quest: Primal Awakening
(23) Hunts: 2nd Cohort Eques; 2nd Cohort Laquearius; 2nd Cohort Signifer