Menphina (pron. Men-fee-nah) is one of the Twelve, and the matron deity of the Keepers of the Moon subclade of Miqo'te. She is known as The Lover. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 16

Menphina was fourth of the Twelve to be born, the younger of twin daughters born to Althyk and Nymeia. Her older sister, Azeyma, became the goddess of the sun; Menphina became goddess of the moon, and with Their birth were day and night begun. (2)
It is written in some accounts that Oschon is beloved by one of the goddesses, but they cannot agree whether it is Menphina or Her niece Llymlaen. In either case, Their love cannot be fulfilled, for to wander is Oschon's nature. (1)
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 18

An artist's rendering of the Heaven of Ice

Menphina is often depicted in religious art as a fair maiden, carrying a round skillet. Her symbol is the moon, stylized to reflect both full and crescent phases; as well, Dalamud is represented. (1)
Before the Calamity, Dalamud was often referred to as "Menphina's Loyal Hound", describing its orbit around Hydaelyn, pursuing the true moon. Some, however, called Dalamud Menphina's daughter or lantern. (3)
Menphina is associated with the second moon of the year (in which Valentione's Day celebrations take place) and the element of ice. (1)
Menphina Herself is the well-loved goddess of the Keepers of the Moon Miqo'te. In reverence to Her, they hunt by night, and dedicate themselves to Her service. As well, She is one of the two ruling goddesses over the Heaven of Ice; Menphina provided frozen moonlight, which Halone carved into a vast and shining palace. There rest heroes, knights, faithful spouses, and benevolent souls. Into the Hell of Ice, icicles and razor-sharp fragments fall from the Heaven to rain perpetually down upon cowards, deserters, and adulterers. (4)
(3) Quest: Moonstruck (1.0)
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 19

The Mark of Menphina, or the Lover's Mark, once stood in Gwyr-Aen in the Coerthas Eastern Highlands; somehow, since then, it has found its way into a funeral cairn west of the Steel Vigil in the Central Highlands.