Azeyma (pron. Ah-zeh-mah) is one of the Twelve, and the matron deity of the Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te. She is known as the Warden, and the goddess of inquiry. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 17

Azeyma was the first of the Twelve to be born not of the Whorl, but of the divine marriage of Althyk and Nymeia. She is the older twin sister of Menphina, and with Their birth came the sun and moon, and the cycle of day and night. (2)
Thaliak's birth from the Whorl followed soon after, and when He put His hand to crafting rivers so as to irrigate the dry land, Azeyma took notice. She came to know and love His sagacity and wit, and He Her curiosity and honesty; the two were wed, and Their children are Llymlaen and Nophica. (2)
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 18

An artist's depiction of the Heaven of Fire

Azeyma is typically depicted in religious art as a beautiful and noble lady, carrying a golden fan in one elegant hand. Her symbol is a sun disc. (1)
Azeyma gives Her name to the ninth moon of the calendar. As well, She is counted one of the builders of the Heaven of Fire. Nald'thal crafted a sprawling city from golden bricks fired in the heat of the sun, by Azeyma's will, where good judges, just-hearted and honest people, and the philanthropists find their rest. The Hell of Fire burns eternally with the remnants of this city, and therein forever suffer false judges, cheats at trade, and those who accepted bribes. (8)
(3) Quest: Braving New Depths
(4) Gamer Escape archive of 1.0 data
(5) Quest: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
(6) Quest: Incense and Sensibility
(7) Quest: A Simple Gift
(8) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 19
The Azeyma rose is believed to be Her favorite, and its fragrant oil is used in Stillglade Fane as incense, and by the sylphs for whatever it is they do with such things. (5)(6)(7)
Azeyma has long been the matron deity for the Seekers of the Sun subclade of Miqo'te, who revere Her in the hunt and all other things. However, She was also the focus of worship in the old Sultanate of Belah'dia, before its schism into Sil'dih and Ul'dah; the Sunken Temple of Qarn was a place of worship for her. (3)
She is regarded as the goddess of inquiry, and it is often held that She offers comfort to those who not only seek the truth, but to those who confess their crimes. For this reason, the pre-Calamity organization Azeyma's Shields bore Her name, and while all other eyes were fixed on the Garlean Empire and the Primals' slaves, the Shields sought to fight corruption and crime within the Eorzean societies. (4)

The Balance Card, representing Azeyma in Her role as Goddess of Justice. In the hands of a Sharlayan-style Astrologian, this card bestows particular power upon those who fight hand-to-hand with their foes.

A stone bearing the mark of Azeyma can be found near the Burning Wall, in Eastern Thanalan; before the Calamity, it was placed at Sandgate.