"Behold Limsa Lominsa, a nation blessed by the ocean's bounty and beloved of Llymlaen, goddess of navigation!"
Rising from the sea off the southern coast of Vylbrand, the city-state of Limsa Lominsa is built upon the many great spires and tiny islands of limestone that have survived the storms from the Rhotano Sea. So too the people, descended from the survivors of a shipwreck who had come seeking liberty.

Limsa Lominsa is a city of privateers, merchants, explorers, and vagabonds, all come to this nation to seek the promise of prosperity through liberty. Some of her most respected citizens were once among the fiercest of pirates; the strength of the great predators of the sea is now either turned against the enemies of the nation, such as Garlemald, or to building and replenishing the civilian needs of Limsa Lominsa and her people.
Lominsans' concept of liberty is an outgrowth of their origins, and the free-spirited ways of privateers and pirates. Rather than an "every man for himself" variety of anarchy, Lominsans tend to focus their loyalties on their "crews"--whether the literal crew of the ship on which they serve, their business colleagues or fellow soldiers, or their families and households. The State comes in a distant second, its claims upon them something more to be tolerated for what mutual benefit may arise, than an obligation to be fulfilled. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 94

This attitude of personal responsibility over collective extends into their approach to religion. The matron deity and primary focus of worship is Llymlaen, the Goddess of Navigation and ruler of the seas, but nowhere in the city will you find a public temple to Her--only a quiet altar. This is not due to a lack of reverence; every family or crew prefers to perform their devotions, prayers, and rituals in the privacy of their homes, rather than putting that responsibility into the hands of a clergy. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 94

But don't think for a moment that, just because so many of its citizens come from pirate stock, there isn't high culture to be found here! Limsa Lominsa is home to the Bismarck, a restaurant serving the finest cuisine to be found; Naldiq & Vymelli's, forever advancing the arts of smithing and producing splendid armor, airships, and weapons; and not least of all, Mealvaan's Gate serves not only as a customs office but the home of the arcanists, whose magic depends upon deep understanding of aetherology and mathematics!

The banner of Limsa Lominsa reflects its history, and its pride therein. The black longboat calls back to the sometimes brutal, always glorious history of Sea Wolf buccaneers, and the red field to the blood of fallen comrades. A brutal history is theirs, but they honor their fallen brothers of the past, present, and future. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 94


The Lower Decks have the honor of being the first parts of the city, and a symbol of the Lominsan's stubbornness and ingenuity; when the kobolds drove the crew of the Galadion back from their settlements into the bay, the people simply dismantled their wrecked ship and used it to build their city between the very rocks that had stranded them.


The heart of Limsa Lominsa. Named for the navigational device so vital to seafarers, the aetheryte plaza was built to honor Jovanni Gnonno, the inventor of the octant. Commonfolk and adventurers alike often gather here to meet, gossip, and prepare for the day's labors. (3)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101
What is a maritime city without bustling trade? Hawkers' Alley is the main mercantile center of the city, running through two tunnels in the great limestone spires of the city. Here you may find most anything traded among men and even beastmen, under the watchful eye of the Yellowjackets and Swozblaet, the master of the markets and head of the Merchants' League. (3) (4)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101
(4) Quest: Close to Home (Limsa Lominsa)

Bulwark Hall may seem just another corridor between important places, but it is much more. This is the only passage between the city and Middle La Noscea, and well it is guarded. Here too are the entrances to the Bridge--the Admiral's offices--and the Crow's Lift, which grants access to the airship dock. (3)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101
Here at the westernmost docks of the city lies the customs house, Mealvaan's Gate. It is named for the Admiral who established it five centuries ago, and arcanists--whose magicks depend as much upon mathematics as aetherology, and whose guild lies within it--make up the bulk of its assessors. (3)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101

Down among the docks is the home of the "pullers": a loose and voluntary association of the major and minor fishing organizations of Limsa Lominsa, not least of which the "official" Fishermen's Guild. Enlightened self-interest drives them to work together to maintain their docks and limit fishing allowances. (5)
Despite the best efforts of the guilds, the locals continue to refer to the area as the Fisherman's Bottom--with as much hilarity as affection. (3)
(5) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 105
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101

Across from the Fishermen's Guild stands the quiet convent of the Dutiful Sisters. Inexplicably, many strange-looking men and women alike are seen to come and go from here, under the watchful eye of the doorman. (3)
However, as the Yellowjackets never seem to think much of this odd traffic, it is probably well not to pry.
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101

Docked just within the Fisherman's Bottom is the Astalicia. Belonging to Captain Hyllfyr Faezmoensyn, the ship has not weighed anchor in nigh nine years, and has become not merely a permanent fixture of the city, but a center for recruitment for privateers and other less-savory professions. (3)(6)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101
(6) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 98

Named for the pole star, this lighthouse serves as the main beacon to guide ships into the Limsa port. Naldiq & Vymelli's maintains the lighthouse, which was many years in the building. (3)
Rumor has it that a voidsent bomb provides the fire and light, but that is not confirmed.
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101

But rather than allowing those ancient bridges to rot away, the people have continuously improved and reinforced them. Some of them sway gently over the rippling waters; for that reason, this part of the city is sometimes called "the Navigator's Veil"--Llymlaen's own garment drifting, gossamer, over the waves. (2)
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 100


The Upper Decks rise majestically above the Lower Decks, twining upward around the spires of limestone and granite, ever skyward. Again, this is as much an expression of Lominsan stubbornness as architectural prowess; rather than expand the city out onto the solid ground of Vylbrand, the Lominsans simply build upward, and use bridges to connect between the decks and carved-out hollows. (7)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 102

The Mizzenmast is the tallest and largest spire of all in the bay, and as such is the heart of the city. On the Lower Decks, it houses Bulwark Hall; on the Upper, you can find the tavern and inn, the Bridge, and the lift to the airship dock. (7)
Local legend has it that this is the former location of the Galadion's mast. (7)
The Drowning Wench is rumored to be named for the original proprietor's mother, and before it changed hands, it was frequented almost exclusively by pirates and sailors. However, when Baderon Tenfingers retired from mercenary life and inherited the place from his father, he helped to establish the Adventurers' Guild, and set up one of its outposts in his very tavern. (3) Now, but a few years later, the Drowning Wench enjoys a much more varied clientele, as well as a menu boasting La Noscean toast as its highlight. The waitresses are no longer wenches, and the Mizzenmast Inn offers its rooms to travelers and merchants (as sailors generally prefer to sleep onboard their ships). (7)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103

Eorzea's finest restaurant, the Bismarck is named for the mythical white whale that (coincidentally) is revered by the Vanu Vanu as a god. The name contains a subtle joke that, like Bismarck, the culinarians whose guild this is hope you will consume everything put before you. (7)
Ruling over the kitchen with an iron fist in a velvet oven mitt is Lyngsath Doesfalksyn, whose journeys aboard a merchantman took him into kitchens around the world. (8)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103
(8) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 105
The Coral Tower stands watch over the main harbor, both literally and figuratively. Herein are the headquarters of the Yellowjackets (once the Knights of the Barracuda), as well as the Marauders' Guild. (7)
Though the Marauders' Guild has historically trained axemen as a joint effort of the major pirate crews, the Galadion Accord and the Seventh Umbral Calamity have seen it become an independent organization. (7)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103

Away from the hustle and bustle of Hawkers' Alley is the Seventh Sage. Selling all things consumable, from local produce to alchemical reagents, the Sage also serves as the storefront for the Kraken's Arms, a crew of privateers with, always, something exotic and exciting to offer. (7)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103


The headquarters for the city's Grand Company, Maelstrom Command lies on an eastern spire, not far from the Mizzenmast. These headquarters were once located much farther out, but the Calamity forced its relocation--along with a number of other reforms. (7)
Here, adventurers who have signed on with the Foreign Levy of the privateer fleet may report for duty, fulfill supply and provisioning missions, and form Independent (Free) Companies.
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103
Another shop located away from the bustle of Hawkers' Alley, the Hyaline is the premier fishmonger's in the city. The name, meaning "glass" or "transparent", originates from the aquarium that lines the storefront. (7)
Holasfhis, the fishmonger in charge, sells not merely fish that may be caught locally, but imported delicacies such as Allagan snails and tree toads.
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103

The Aftcastle is a courtyard used primarily for festivals and other exciting events; from a Valentione's display to a great and beautiful Starlight tree, the spirit of whatever holiday season may be enjoyed here.
It is named for its position relative to the Mizzenmast, per nautical conventions. (7)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103

The great and glorious legacy of blacksmith Naldiq and shipwright Vymelli, the premier forge in Eorzea produces not merely arms and armor, but ships of war for Limsa Lominsa, and is responsible for the upkeep and repair of its city, bridges, and lighthouses. (7)
Here are headquartered both the Armorers' and Blacksmiths' Guilds, headed by H'naanza Esi and Brithael Spade, respectively. Though these two disciplines often overlap, the Armorers stand apart as shipwrights as well as makers of personal gear. (8)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103
(8) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 105

Whereas the Kraken's Arms has the Seventh Sage, the tavern belonging to the Sanguine Sirens was originally meant only to serve the crew upon their homecoming. However, the repute of the food and drink grew, and eventually the doors were opened to the public. (7)
Captain Rhoswyn Leach may often be found here, and while the tavern's name is meant as a tribute to those who did not return to shore, she often threatens to give an entirely other meaning to the name if a man comes near enough to irritate her. (7)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103

The Anchor Yard is a prime example of how drastically things can change over time. Two centuries ago, it was the site of the primary docks; but a storm sheared off the space 'twixt courtyard and ocean. (7)
Now, the Yard offers a different sort of anchor: a shrine to Llymlaen, where many make pilgrimage before a long sea voyage, and where any may pray to Her as they see fit. (1)
(7) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 103
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 94

The Navigator's Mark is inscribed upon the pedestal of the shrine.