Yarzons well deserve the "vile" in "vilekin". A small, spiky body balanced between long, spindly legs, these skittering fiends build hard-to-detect nests alongside riverbanks; unsuspecting fishermen may find themselves surrounded by a swarm of rapacious yarzons whose territory has been invaded. (1) (2)
As if being disgusting to see were not enough, yarzons' hunting methods are horrors untold: spraying acidic fluids onto the joints of their prey to prevent their escape, and then driving a dagger-like mouthpart into the brain of the prey to feed. (1)
It should be noted that some species of yarzon are actually blind, and their attention is drawn by making excessive noise. (3)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Quest: Spear of the Fearless
(3) Mechanics: Wall crawlers in the Sunken Temple of Qarn can be bypassed by moving at walk speed
Known species/types of yarzons:
- Yarzon biter
- Yarzon lurker
- Yarzon feeder
- Yarzon invader
- Yarzon scavenger
- Riverbank yarzon
- Wall crawler
- Cieldalaes crawler
- Pinktoe
- Harvestman
- Russet yarzon
- River yarzon
- Forest yarzon
- Bog yarzon
- Daddy longlegs
- Waterskipper

Yarzon biters, like other species, have a tendency to conceal themselves near water; from there, they pounce on unsuspecting passersby. It is no surprise, then, that yarzons can be readily found on the banks of the Empty Heart, near the Moraby Drydocks--even when one is looking for something else entirely. (4)
(4) Levequest: The Light Stripes
- Lower La Noscea, the Empty Heart (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 15

Yarzon feeders are one of the less difficult species of yarzons to fend off. They mostly prove to be a pest species, rather than a full threat, and particularly so in Western Thanalan, where the primary concern they raise is the lowering of property values. (5)
In Middle La Noscea, it is occasionally necessary to flush out and exterminate feeder nests along the Rogue River, as they multiply and harass travelers. (6)
(5) FATE: Things that Make You Go Home
(6) Quest: Yarzon, Yarzoff
- Middle La Noscea, Rogue River
- The Tam-Tara Deepcroft
- Western Thanalan: Hammerlea
Combat Rating: 4 to 5, 16

YARZON invader
With the changes that the Seventh Umbral Calamity wrought, many creatures have been forced out of their previous habitats and into new ones; yarzons are no exception, traveling from North Shroud to Central Shroud. (7) The spirits in their new home, however, do not approve of them "befouling" the East Vein, and adventurers are often sent to exterminate the nasty vilekin. (8)
(7) Gamer Escape data on yarzon invader mobs
(8) Levequest: River Raid
- Central Shroud, East Vein (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 5 to 9

Yarzons generally prefer to linger near water, but not so the yarzon lurker. Found as far inland as arid Western Thanalan, yarzon lurkers tend to lie in ambush for passersby, springing upon them unawares. For this reason, adventurers are often tasked with slaying the pestersome vilekin. (9) (10)
(9) Levequest: At the Gates
(10) Levequest: Observe and Protect
- Western La Noscea: Quarterstone (levequest only)
- Western Thanalan: Scorpion Crossing (levequest only)
- Western Thanalan: Parata's Peace (guildhest only)
Combat Rating: 4 to 5, 14, 15