
Wivres are not native to Eorzea at all, but a recent immigrant from the New World. Most that one will see are typically the beasts of burden and war of the Mamool Ja, who well understand them and keep them properly contained.
The wivre wields its powerful brow horn to deliver stunning blows, but is also easily provoked into reckless charges--something useful to know when fighting against or with them. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 287
Known species/types of wivre:
- Combat wivre

The teleoceras of the Fringes is a testament to the skill of the Mamool Ja in handling the beasts--in the negative, as it were. The Imperial occupiers of Gyr Abania attempted to make use of the Mamool Ja's famous beasts, only to lose control of them and see them escaped into the wilds around the Peering Stones. (2)
This is not to say that the M tribe has objected too strenuously to the beasts' immigration. They not only feast upon the plentiful meat of the scalekin, but make its horns and bones into tools, and hide into raiment. (2)
Clan Centurio also occasionally sets a bounty on the beasts. (3)
(2) Quest: Eyes Bigger than Her Stomach
(3) Centurio hunt: Teleoceras
Habitat: - The Fringes, Virdjala
Combat Rating: 67
Special notes:
The teleoceras has lost none of its ferocity during its time as a servant to Garlemald. These fiends will not merely bite, but use their horns in two different patterns of attack: a swift strike with its brow horn, or a (rather telegraphed) forward charge called "Horrid Horn."