
The wamoura rightly deserves its placement among the kinship of vilekin. Not unlike the yarzon, it feasts upon the fluids of other creatures' bodies; however, while the yarzon only craves spinal fluids, the wamoura gorges itself upon the ichors of corpses. (1)
There is certainly a place in the natural order for carrion feeders, 'tis true, but their dietary habits also lead to them spreading plague to the yet living. In Gridania, they are greatly despised for this reason. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 255
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 280

Known species/types of wamourae:
- Wamoura
- Ruins wamoura
- Ranch wamoura
- Burrowing wamoura
- Alpha wamoura
- Bloodglider
- Teredo moth
- Window wamoura
- Territorial wamouracampa
The wamoura's mouthparts are relatively unique. So as better to feed upon the bodies of the slain, they have a long proboscis ringed with "teeth", which they use to burrow into and drill holes; needless to say, these are hazardous to a living target for more than one reason. (2)
Do not mistake their larva, the wamouracampa, for anything less dangerous, however. Their skins are thick, and if their own strength fails to defend them, there are usually adult wamourae not far from them. (3)
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 280
(3) Item tooltip: Skinned Wamouracampa

Among wamourae, bloodgliders particularly deserve notice for their unclean ways. They are not satisfied to glut themselves on the dead, but also on the vital fluids of the living, requiring at least twenty beasts per day; thus, their bright crimson color is no lie. (4)
Bloodgliders are also carriers of the Weeping Cough, a terrible lethal illness from the shed scales of their wings as they fly over townships by night. The people of Ala Gannha are grateful to those who cull the large vilekin, and Clan Centurio also offers bounties on them as well. (5)(6)
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 255
(5) FATE: Down with the Sickness
(6) Centurio hunt: Bloodglider
Habitat: The Peaks, the Last Forest
Combat rating: 60
Special notes:
The bloodglider, aside from its pestilent dust, also commands fiery breath (Fire Break), which it spreads in a cone before it. Adventurers should take care when they see the bloodglider's head turn to one side.