resurgence of funding

This page is meant as a resource for running the hunt events this Saturday. It's not intended at all to tell you how to run your encounters, just provide the canon information on the monsters in question and some inspiration. Thirty monsters are a lot to try to remember.
For each monster, I've listed the already-established spawn numbers and HP, as well as their in-game attacks and brief descriptions of them; so that if you just need a bit of inspiration for describing attacks for your party, there you have it! There's also a short lore blurb for each creature, which you can throw into the mix if you're feeling like enriching your players' experience with some cool bits of information.
Happy Huntfest!

antlion ambusher
The physicians of Rhalgr's Reach are resourceful by necessity, and one measure they use to replenish their stock of disinfectants is to hunt the hunters. The antlions of Virdjala, in particular, provide a plentiful amount of antlion secretions, and are easily drawn out of their hiding quicksand pools by the smell of powdered ants.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Stabbing attack with hind leg
Mandible bite: Heavy attack using massive mandibles
Sandstorm: Frontal cone AoE, blind effect optional

Larger than their cousins dwelling on the flats below, the gaganas around Virdjala are far more dangerous. The huntresses of Vira Nilya tend to find them quite troublesome.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Aggressive peck
Dread Dive: Leaping plunge with its beak
Giga Scream: Enemy-centered AoE

The gazelle ranges south of the Peering Stones in the Fringes of Gyr Abania. While mostly unremarkable, gazelles boast a hide most prized for armorcrafting. Gazelle horns are considered a symbol of strength.
Spawn number: 3
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Strike with horns
Head Butt: Aggressive horn strike, forward column AoE

Smaller specimens of this pestersome fish are still caught off the coasts of Western La Noscea, but the larger ones call the Dimwold of the Fringes their lasting home. In fishing nets, goosefish will simply eat everything else around it; on land, they will also attempt to eat anything that looks like food, attempting to bite off any bits they can.
Spawn number: 4
HP: 5 each
Normal attack: Leaping bite
Gnaw: Charged leaping bite

longneck gagana
It is not quite clear why the longneck gagana is so named, considering that all gagana have long necks. But perhaps these have longer necks--or perhaps the residents of the Fringes just have an odd sense of humor.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Aggressive peck
Giga Scream: Enemy-centered AoE

mountain grizzly
Mountain grizzlies populate the forest on the west of the Velodyna River. Typically, they do not mind the presence of Man, but the occupation of Castrum Oriens by the Eorzean Alliance has led to increasing confrontations with the beasts. It is thought that it is the smell of the latrines which draws them--probably out of territorial instinct. Probably.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Forehand strike with its left paw
Ferocious Forehand: Extra strike with left paw, immediately after a normal one
The Killing Paw: Frontal cone AoE

The Imperial occupiers of Gyr Abania attempted to make use of the Mamool Ja's famous beasts, only to lose control of them and see them escaped into the wilds around the Peering Stones.
This is not to say that the M tribe has objected too strenuously to the beasts' immigration. They not only feast upon the plentiful meat of the scalekin, but make its horns and bones into tools, and hide into raiment.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Bite
Brow Horn: Strike with brow horn
Horrid Horn: Charging strike with brow horn, more aggressive

In most of the world, "Udumbara" is the name of a legendary tree which yields fruit but once every few millennia. In the Fringes of Gyr Abania, however, the name has quite the different meaning.
It is said that Udumbara lurks below the surface of the earth, ever listening for the sounds of dying plants. When it hears enough, the seedkin fiend bursts from below, its many flytrap maws gaping wide to snatch anything it may find. Then, it begins its rampage, attacking and consuming all that crosses its path, and spraying venom all about it.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 30
Normal attack: Bite with its many maws
White Breath: Frontal cone AoE, poison effect optional
Mucus Spray: Enemy-centered AoE, slow effect optional
Shockwave Stomp: Enemy-centered AoE
Mean Thrash: Rear cone AoE, stun effect optional

Velodyna PUGIL
The tributaries of the Velodyna River are no exception to the rule that where there is a river, there will be pugils. The savage wavekin make themselves a nuisance predominantly in the stream that flows out of Rhalgr's Reach and into the Velodyna.
Spawn number: 4
HP: 5 each
Normal attack: Bite
Screwdriver: Front column AoE, spray of superheated water

velodyna sarcosuchus
Sarcosuchus meat is oft served with mushrooms in a traditional Gyr Abanian dish.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Bite
Critical Bite: Frontal cone AoE, very large bite

This gigantoad dwells in the salt washes of the Gyr Abanian Lochs, and its body has become so toxic over the generations that it glares purple with a promise of poisonous doom. (Not that this proves any deterrence to Ala Mhigans, who harvest their poisons for their arrows and daggers.) What's more, their massive size amplifies their voices, and a mere few of them can rattle a house so that things fall from its shelves.
Abaddon tendons are quite elastic, and make an excellent tourniquet or binding for bandages, splints, and prosthetics.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack (Lap): Strike with the tongue
Labored Leap: Enemy-centered AoE
Sticky Tongue: Grab attack that pulls target toward the enemy
Vasoconstrictor: Enemy-centered poison-spray attack, poison effect optional

aroma leech
The aroma leech's gills appear to be tempting morsels to herbivores, who soon find themselves to be supper rather than supping. It also gives off a sweet, flowery smell that, on occasion, attracts innocents who are seeking pretty specimens.
Spawn number: 4
HP: 5 each
Normal attack: Body check
Acid Mist: Enemy-centered AoE, spray of acid in all directions
Suction: Single-target attack, drain effect optional

The chelone's shell being lighter due to the salinity of the Lochs, where it dwells, fishermen would pay a premium; these, they used as fishing boats, for the high curve made for a deep keel, and the salinity of the water gave it extra buoyancy.
However, this tradition came to an end when the Garleans--never hesitant to proclaim something barbaric that pertained to a native culture--declared an end to the tradition of making do.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Jaw snap
Tortoise Stomp: Enemy-centered AoE, retreats into shell and blasts outward
Adamantine Flames: Frontal cone AoE, fire breath

Most kaluks will cheerfully consume anything that enters their territory, but sometimes, pickings are slim. When that happens, they are known to invade lichyards and potters' fields, to drive down their thirsty roots into the bodies of the recently slain. The mourners of those slain, of course, take this as a desecration and an insult.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Slap with left arm
Creeping Ivy: Frontal cone AoE where vines snake forward on the ground, optional heavy effect
Entangle: Player-centered AoE where roots spike upward, optional bind effect
Stump: Enemy-centered AoE, ground slam with both fists

loch nanka
Ninki nankas are unusual among wavekin, as they do not leave their young unattended. In fact, the bulbous "growths" on the creature's back are its eggs, laid there by the female after mating. The father then looks after the young until they are ready to fend for themselves.
Spawn number: 3
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Chomp
Stagnant Spray: Frontal cone AoE, briny spray of water
Peculiar Light: Enemy-centered AoE, bioluminescent; magic vulnerability effect optional

Some believe that the phoebad came into being when heretics refused the wisdom of Rhalgr, and were transformed. Others hold that they are merely piles of salt crystals, animated by a surplus of aether. Either way, calling them perfect disciples of the Destroyer would probably be counted disrespectful.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Flinging backhand with both hands
Saltstomp: Two-handed slam attack, enemy-centered AoE
Saltstorm: Frontal cone AoE of salt breath, blind effect optional

Soblyns are unique to the Lochs of Gyr Abania; the "s" refers to their diet of sea salt. They are far more aggressive and temperamental than their more neighborly kin in other lands; some naturalists theorize that the diet of salt itself may be the cause, corroding their metallic shells.
Spawn number: 3
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Body check
Shatter: Enemy-centered AoE, lightning-aether burst released from their shells

Fluturini wings appear to be like jewels, but in truth, they are covered in dusty scales that are much prized by alchemists. They are not prized by those whose eyes and noses get irritated by them, however.
Spawn number: 4
HP: 5 each
Normal attack: Body check
(Fluturini don't appear to have any secondary attacks. You may wish to improvise using the information below.)

The common yabby is an irritable creature that dislikes other creatures entering its domain. However, the Ala Mhigan Resistance has found use for its vile temper, in capturing the wavekin for combat training.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Claw snap
Shuck: Normal version, a forehand snap with the right claw, dealing single-target damage
Shuck: Heavy attack, a backhand swipe with the left claw, single-target damage with optional bleed effect

Allegedly, Kiwa was named for some figure of myth from the South Sea Isles--a "god of crustaceans"--but this has yet to be verified.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 30
Normal attack: Claw snap
Shuck: Normal version, a forehand snap with the right claw, dealing single-target damage
Shuck: Heavy attack, a backhand swipe with the left claw, single-target damage with optional bleed effect

Bone crawler
During the height of the Kingdom of Ala Mhigo, its location made it a central highway for trade between Aldenard and Ilsabard. As a result, many of the dangerous denizens of the harsh land were hunted to extinction--or at least, the Ala Mhigans tried to do so.
However, decades of occupation under the Garlean Empire meant that both trade and culling expeditions were at an end, leaving time for some of the more vicious creatures to repopulate. So too with the gowrows. One particular specimen has made its presence known by preying upon any caravan that crosses its path, consuming chocobos whole with no leavings of bone or harness. Merchants have dubbed it the "Bone Crawler", and refuse to risk crossing its path again.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Claw swipe
Volcanic Howl: Howl attack, large AoE
Bone Shaker: Stomp attack, large AoE
Ripper Claw: Cleave attack to main target with very telegraphed wind-up
Fireball: Player-targeted AoE, flammable spittle
Wild Charge: Large column AoE, enemy relocates

crag claw
This particular specimen has learnt to use its tail to work a water-elemental spell, called "Tail Screw"; this spell is much sought by Blue Mages, who rework its power to perform a powerful attack that pierces to the bone.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Claw snap
Impale: Sidelong stab with tail
Tail Screw: The tail corkscrews and creates a waterspout, AoE damage

The kongamato's size is due to generations of selective breeding by the Gnath. Its life cycle is complex enough that few races, having other options for mounts, are willing to invest so much time and effort into their care and feeding.
Spawn number: 4
HP: 5 each
Normal attack: Claw snap
Tail Nipper: Single-target attack, tail rolls under the abdomen to jab
Ultravibration: Enemy-targeted AoE attack; normal damage unless the player is frozen or petrified, in which case damage is massive.

Gyr abanian hornbill
The Gyr Abanian hornbill is not unlike its cousins in far-off lands; but of particular note among these are their talons. It is in the Peaks that their particular virtue as a pain-relieving decoction was discovered, and there it is still used in folk remedies, usually alongside powdered chapuli horns.
Spawn number: 2
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Beak or talon strike
Breakbeak: Heavy attack, overhead strike with underside of bill

highland eruca
Highland erucas do not adorn themselves with the warning colors of poisonous flesh like their fellow crawlers--possibly because they have determined to be less prey and more predator themselves. And given their unusual size, they seek out much larger prey than mere rabbits and other vilekin; they would sooner feast upon Qiqirn, Ananta, and Ala Mhigans.
Spawn number: 3
HP: 10 each
Normal attack: Bite attack
Flamethrower: Frontal cone AoE, fiery breath

The jhammel spends most of its life topping what trees it can find for supper, and the rest delivering a swift kick to those who trouble it. Not for nothing do the Ala Mhigans have a saying for those whose mettle is concealed by a quiet spirit: "like a woken jhammel".
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Sideways swipe with its head
Whiplash: Heavy attack, sideways swipe with its head
Whistle: Enemy self-buff, increase attack power

Panteras stalk the entire upper reaches of the Peaks of Gyr Abania, and oft cause trouble for those who seek to draw water at Wightrock.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Claw swipe
Catching Claws: Heavy attack, double swipe with claws
Dark Fire III: Flame spit, AoE centered on player's position

Scarab beetle
The carapaces of scarab beetles are greatly prized by alchemists for the making of "beetle glue", and use the entire back of these creatures, head, mouthparts, and all.
Spawn number: 4
HP: 5 each
Normal attack: Headbutt, or attack with mandibles
Rhino Attack: Heavy attack, target leaps up and strikes with its head

true griffin
There is considerable controversy around what distinguishes the "true griffin" from its common cousins. Some say it is only a lack of pigmentation, but others hold that its practice of mating for life makes it "true", and a symbol of fidelity.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 20
Normal attack: Beak snap
Golden Talons: Heavy attack, double strike with foreclaws
Alpine Draft: Frontal column AoE, wind blast created by clapping wings

Before the Garlean invasion of Ala Mhigo, the Vochstein family were the premier breeders of griffins in the land, and no stable could call itself worthy except it had a few specimens of their pedigree. However, with the coming of the invaders, the head of the family thought it better to set his most prized male free.
Spawn number: 1
HP: 30
Normal attack: Beak attack
Freefall: Plunge attack, targeted at random player, with AoE centered on them
Alpine Draft: Frontal column AoE, wind blast created by clapping wings
Golden Talons: Frontal cone AoE, striking with both claws
Winds of Winter: Area AoE, windburn "bleed" debuff optional