Slugs are, essentially, snails without shells or charisma. These boneless, scaleless, slimy creatures are counted as pests in almost every place they appear. (1)
It is not merely their unsavory appearance and lack of personal hygiene that makes them pestersome, though; it is their acidic secretions, which can eat away at anything from wood and leaf matter to stone and steel. As a result, slugs are usually slain on sight when they stray too near townships or homesteads. (1)
Slugs have a distinct taste for ale, which is used in traps to catch them; and some species tend to split apart when sliced or struck. (1)(2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 283
(2) Mechanics in FATE: There's Something About Lou

Known species/types of slugs:
- Tree slug
- Shore slug
- Saprophagous slug
- Dry slug
- Dark matter slug
- Spelaean slug
- Sizable slug
- Leafbleed hare
- Leafbleed slug
- Shroud hare
- Void dross
- Sylph pillow
- Carpet stain
- Cog oil
- Gear grease
- Lou Carcolh

Droplets of oil that have come to life usually take a very different form, and are classed as ashkin. These slugs, native to the Wanderer's Palace, excrete viscous secretions--an excellent base for iron inks and potions of mind. (3) (4)
(3) Viscous Secretions are a common drop from this mob.
(4) Alchemy recipes: Enchanted Iron Ink and Potion of Mind
- Wanderer's Palace
Combat Rating: 50

Obviously, these are not blobs of grease that have come to life. Natheless, these slugs that linger in the depths of the Wanderer's Palace can be harvested for viscous secretions--and the improvisational ways of engineers no doubt ensured the creatures' bodily fluids found their way into the Nymian clockworks in the Palace. (3)
(3) Viscous Secretions are a common drop from this mob.
- Wanderer's Palace
Combat Rating: 50

leafbleed slug
Leafbleed slugs are precisely what they sound to be: wavekin that feast on the lifeblood of plants. Their numbers are increasing in the Shroud of late, particularly in the gysahl-green gardens of Moogle's Gift Mounts, prompting the chocobokeeps to hire adventurers to cull the pests' numbers. (5)(6)
(5) Levequest: Turning Out the Blight
(6) Levequest: Going Green
- Central Shroud, Bentbranch Meadows (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 10-14

Shore slugs are overfond of hiding themselves in plant seedlings, and then springing into the faces of unsuspecting passersby. Or at least, so a Lominsan wagoner would have the world believe, as he explained why he abandoned the shipment he was freighting to Western La Noscea. (7)
(7) Quest: Thanks a Million
- Middle La Noscea, Three-Malm Bend (quest only)
Combat Rating: 10
Special Note:
Shore slugs are known to spit an aqueous discharge at their foes, which can cause injury or damage.