It was the Highlander Hyur who first domesticated the humble mouflon, during the Fifth Umbral Era. Their aim was less meat and more fleece, and in their enthusiasm, they managed to create sheep, creatures that are now more mane than mutton. (1)
Sheep are now a common sight across La Noscea and Coerthas, whether kept by man or living wild and free.
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 275
Known species/types of sheep:
- Ornery Karakul
- Downy Dunstan
- Shaggy Sheep
- Albino Karakul

Lost Lambs are precisely what their name suggests. Those loose in the wilds of the Zephyr Drift are all too often bitten by rabid bats, and must be culled on the regular, making them fair game. Many guilds include Lost Lambs in their hunting logs. (2) (3)
The "lost lambs" to be found on the Azim Steppe, however, should be returned to their owners promptly; the Xaela tribes frown upon sheep rustling.
(2) FATE: On the Lamb
(3) Hunting Logs: Arcanist, Rogue
- Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood (levequest only)
- Middle La Noscea, Zephyr Drift
Combat Rating: 2 to 6
Special note:
The meat and horns to be had from lost lambs are generally safe for ordinary use; the culinarians at the Bismarck will often pay adventurers to forage meat for them. (4)
(4) Quest: A Sheepish Request

Wild rams are irretrievably feral. Preferring to keep company with lambs lost in the wild, they become quite possessive of them, and present a considerable challenge for any rancher or adventurer trying to retrieve their sheep. (5)
(5) Levequest: On the Lamb
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 2