
Possibly one of the most maligned vilekin upon the star is the scarab. Often connected with death, it is commonly thought that scarab beetles feast upon the flesh of the dead, and sometimes believed that they made those dead themselves.
The reputation of being maneaters is unearned, of course, but that of being dangerous is another matter entirely. They will fight to the death if someone intrudes upon the forests whose tree-sap they drink, with seemingly-reckless attacks using the weight and hardness of their carapace. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281

Known species/types of scarabs:
- Scarab beetle
- Starmite
- Brilliant starmite
- Wandering starmite
- Rhino beetle
- Stampeding rhino beetle
- Zadnor beetle

Scarab beetle
East of Ala Gannha and over the river, the upward slopes of Rustrock are home to the species simply called "scarab beetle". Numerous enough now to pose a threat to any travelers--if travelers there be in these lands--they are the subject of a bounty sometimes placed by Clan Centurio. (2)
It is said that scarab beetles can also be found in the ruins of the Lost City of Amdapor; if this is so, then it would explain much of why they are so oft suspected of feasting on rot and decay and fallen corpses. (3)
The carapaces of scarab beetles are greatly prized by alchemists for the making of "beetle glue", and use the entire back of these creatures, head, mouthparts, and all. (4)(5)
(2) Centurio Hunt: Scarab Beetle
(3) Mob placement as of 6.5
(4) Tooltip: Rhino Beetle Carapace
(5) Recipe: Beetle Glue
- The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
- The Peaks, Rustrock
Combat rating: 60, 61
Special note: Care should be taken when engaging scarab beetles head-on, for they will in turn engage their foes head-on via a technique called Rhino Attack. The scarab telegraphs this move by leaping up to plunge downward.