Along with beetles, rodents are one of the most prolific and ubiquitous species on the face of Hydaelyn. It seems self-evident, but some of the hallmarks of the species are their long tails, large ears, and prominent incisors with which they chew through obstacles and into delicious food stores. (1)
Those less impacted by rodent depredations will sometimes call them servants of Nophica--but farmers who must contend with their raids are under no such impression. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 275
Known species/types of rodents:
- Grizzled mouse
- Nutbreaker squirrel
- Pack rat
- Wharf rat
- Dirty rat
- Sewer rat
- Ground squirrel
- Chinchilla
- Snowshoe mouse
- Deepvoid deathmouse
- White Joker
- White Death
- Wet rat
- Rat king
- Robber rat
- Tiny rat
- Nutmuncher marmot
- Star marmot

Grizzled mice are a breed of marmot brought, recently, from Nagxia by the Gleaners of Sharlayan. Wily and nimble, they often prove a difficult quarry--for good reason, as they would make a fine mouthful for a passing predator--but this also makes them difficult to catch and cage. (2)
(2) Quest: Glorified Ratcatcher
- Nagxia
- Labyrinthos, Upper Acrinthos (quest only)
Combat Rating:
No combat rating assigned; grizzled mice prefer flight to fight.

Nimble and wily, nutbreaker squirrels once inhabited the reaches of the North Shroud (and some report, the South Shroud); however, as the creeks and streams began to dry up after the Calamity, they migrated rapidly southward, into the Central Shroud. There, along with other beastkin, they attack livestock and the occasional child; thus, adventurers are frequently called upon to cull their numbers. (3)(4)
Wood Wailers, though, have found a use for the invasive creatures. During a Wailer's training, he is brought to the Bannock, and a captive squirrel is released into the wild. This squirrel, and none other, he must return to the Bannock alive; and if it take him days, so be it. (5)
To this end, First Bow Galfrid Mossback frequently requisitions adventurers to trap wild squirrels alive. (5)
(3) Levequest: Water, Water Everywhere
(4) Reported mob location during 1.0, via GamerEscape
(5) Levequest: Nutbreaker Suite
- Central Shroud, Lifemend Stump (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 1 to 5

Pack rats are a persistent threat to the prosperity of Cedarwood farmers. They not only account for a full quarter of Red Rooster Stead's losses, but also harass travelers passing out from the Tempest Gate of Limsa Lominsa. (6) (7)
(6) Levequest: Ain't Nobody Got Time for Rats
(7) Levequest: A Long and Winding Road
- Lower La Noscea, Tempest Gate (levequest only)
- Lower La Noscea, The Eyes (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 1 to 5

Wharf rats are a common sight in the surrounds of Limsa Lominsa. As much a pest as any rodent, young arcanists, rogues, and marauders are often set to culling their populations. (8) (9) (10)
Older and more clever--and stronger--wharf rats are known to make nests hard by the windmills of the Grey Fleet. (11)
(8) Quest: My First Axe
(9) Quest: My First Grimoire
(10) Hunting Logs: Arcanist, Rogue, Marauder
(11) Quest: Tales from the Tidus Slayer
- Middle La Noscea, Summerford
- Middle La Noscea, Zephyr Drift
- Lower La Noscea, Tempest Gate
- Lower La Noscea, The Grey Fleet (quest only)
Combat Rating: 1 to 8, 30