Raptors are forest-dwelling hunters, neither gregarious nor solitary; they prefer to hunt in pairs, one driving the prey into the ambush of the other. They earn their name not from any relationship to hunting birds--for there is none--but from their hawklike speed in the chase and catch. (1)
There was a time when these creatures tended to shrink from Man, but now, they seem driven to attack more than ever. Their hides and flesh are sought by leatherworkers and culinarians, and it is said their claws are prized by alchemists. (1) (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 287
(2) Raimdelle's Codex
Known species/types of raptors:
- Hyur-eating raptor
- Plainstrider
- Alpha anole
- Lindwurm
- Restless raptor
- Territorial raptor
- Velociraptor
- Eoraptor
- Gallimimus
- Hotfooted gallimimus
- Grass raptor

hotfooted gallimimus
The gallimimus who dwell upon the slopes above Anyx Trine are as ravenous as their kin in other lands, and perhaps more willing to travel to sate that hunger. The "hotfooted" gallimimus has, indeed, made all speed to the Chocobo Forest, to partake of unsuspecting, innocent cloudkin. (3)
(3) Levequests: Jailbird Break and Return to Sender
Habitat: Chocobo Forest, the Dravanian Forelands
Combat Rating: 52

The Agelyss Wise was once a relatively safe road for those traveling between Bronze Lake and Wineport, but the Calamity changed that. Now, ferocious man-eating raptors stalk porters and travelers, quite ready to cook them with their fiery breath before eating them. (4)
(4) Levequest: Wonder Wine
Eastern La Noscea, Agelyss Wise (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 37

Plainstriders are hunters like their cousins, but more often than not, these dwellers in the settled lands of Middle and Lower La Noscea content themselves with scavenging after larger and more implacable predators.
A not insignificant number of them were seen tagging along with Kujata, an aurochs who plagued La Noscea until it was put down by the Marauders' Guild. (5) (6)
(5) Quest: Wake of Destruction
(6) Quest: Bringing Down the Mountain
- Middle La Noscea, Summerford (quest only)
- Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood (quest only)
Combat Rating: 8 to 11, 30