Pugils are large, savage wavekin that will rapaciously devour anything that enters their watery domain. Not content to dominate below the waves, pugils are possessed of curious gas bladders, which they inflate to float sometimes inches above the water's surface. (1)
Their unpleasantness and unwillingness to be accommodating results not only in their eating everything a fisherman might want to catch, but also in being a poor substitute--tough, leathery flesh with an odor and savor somewhere between sweaty shoes and rotten eggs. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 282

Known species/types of pugils:
- Pug pugil
- Pugil
- Swamp pugil
- Velodyna pugil
- Lepidotes
- Moonshade pugil
- Bronze pugil
- Dark matter pugil
- Baited jagil
- Hatsugyo
- Isonade
- Oannes
- Sastasha pugil
- Vepar

The exact meaning of the "pug" of "pug pugil" is unclear. It certainly does not refer to its muzzle being short or flattened; it might be simply a repetition of the meaning "fight"--or a stammer of terror that did not translate in writing. Whatever the case, these creatures haunt the halls of the Wanderer's Palace. (2)
(2) Mob placement as of 6.1
- Wanderer's Palace
Combat Rating: 50

The species of pugil simply called "pugil" occupies the new rivers of Middle La Noscea. Usually more docile than their cousins elsewhere, occasionally they will bestir themselves to a feeding frenzy, especially when a fisherman is trying to ply his trade. (3)
Young rogues are oft tasked with culling pugils, which are deemed pests. (4)
(3) FATE: Taking It to the Streams
(4) Hunting Log: Rogue
- Middle La Noscea, Rogue River
- Middle La Noscea, Agelyss River
Combat Rating: 2 to 6
Special Note:
Care should be taken to avoid Screwdriver, a powerful strike that is easily evaded.

Pugils occupy so many of La Noscea's rivers and lakes; it comes as no surprise that they have also populated the Mudstop Watergush in Brayflox's Longstop. They are no less aggressive than any of their cousins, so those wading about in the goblins' pond should take care. (2)
(2) Mob placement as of 6.1
- Eastern La Noscea: Brayflox's Longstop (normal)
Combat Rating: 32

Velodyna PUGIL
The tributaries of the Velodyna River are no exception to the rule that where there is a river, there will be pugils. The savage wavekin make themselves a nuisance predominantly in the stream that flows out of Rhalgr's Reach and into the Velodyna. (2) Their pest status is well confirmed by the Centurio Clan's frequent bounties on the creatures. (5)
(2) Mob placement as of 6.1
(5) Centurio Hunt Bill: Velodyna Pugil
- The Fringes: The Striped Hills
Combat Rating: 60
Special Note: Care should be taken to avoid Screwdriver, a hot, piercing stream of water that all pugils seem able to launch at their prey and predators alike.

Even the salt-heavy waters of Loch Seld are home to pugils. The vepar is, in general, very like its cousin, but has a particular reputation for ferocity due to the legend of a fisherman who was too hungry to eat more ordinary wavekin. This fisherman caught three vepar in a row, and was swiftly done for; thus, the Ala Mhigan saying, "A vepar dead is another night safe in bed." (6)
Clan Centurio regularly issues bounties on the wavekin. (7)
(6) FATE: Par for the Course
(7) Centurio Hunt Bill: Vepar
- The Lochs, Loch Seld
Combat Rating: 69
Special Note: Vepars have two distinct abilities that any hunter should make note of.
- Screwdriver, a hot, piercing stream of water; and
- Swift Swim, which confers Haste on the vepar.