
Once upon a time, the orobon was something only for deep-sea fishermen to contend with: a fish that, once tangled in their nets, would proceed to devour everything else they had caught. (1) However, since the Seventh Umbral Calamity, these vile-tempered, voracious wavekin have seen fit to swim into freshwater streams and rivers, and then clamber overland to even the most remote ponds and puddles. (2)
The orobon is distinguished from most fish with its large, gaping jaw that serves more as a sieve than a trap, gulping down anything that might fit therein. They are also distinct from their cousins, the ogrebon, in that they are less apt to wait for their prey to come to them, preferring to paddle over and help themselves. (2)
(1) Fishing log entry: Goosefish
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 282

Known species/types of orobons:
- Orobon
- Plump orobon
- Sharptooth orobon
- Smallmouth orobon
- Bigmouth orobon
- Sastasha orobon
- Alpgrot orobon
- Bozjan orobon
- Seaboard angler
- Dune angler
- Angler
- Mutsu
- Heavenly mutsu
- Spawning orobon
- Goosefish

Smaller specimens of this pestersome fish are still caught off the coasts of Western La Noscea, but the larger ones call the Dimwold of the Fringes their lasting home. In fishing nets, goosefish will simply eat everything else around it; on land, they will also attempt to eat anything that looks like food, attempting to bite off any bits they can. (3)
Clan Centurio occasionally issues bounties on these wavekin. (4)
(3) Mob placement as of 6.55
(4) Centurio hunt: Goosefish
- The Fringes, the Dimwold
Combat Rating: 61
Special note: The goosefish's many small teeth lend to chewing rather than a single lethal bite, and so they will attempt to Gnaw on their preferred prey.