
Carnivorous seedkin abound in the forested reaches of Aldenard, and among them is the peculiar creature called "ochu", a species of bindweed with a taste for meat. (1) Though some might find ochus to be "cute" at first glance--a quadrupedal walking mass of petals with two vines waving overhead--one is swiftly disabused of this notion on seeing the thorn-ringed "mouth" at the top of its mass or catching a whiff of its rotting or sickly-sweet odor. (2)
This odor is used to lure in vilekin and, depending on the size of the ochu, small animals, where its whipping vines beat the prey into submission before they are swallowed whole--to be digested alive over several hours. (2) Needless to say, headpats are out of the question for ochus.
Known species/types of ochus:
- Overgrown ivy
- Raveled raincatcher
- Warden's whip
- Territorial ochu
- Alpha ochu
- Hedgerow ochu
- Overgrown offering
- Coeurl o'Nine Tails
- Locksmith
- Thousand-cast Theda
- Blooming ochu
- Penghou
Ochus are, it would seem, immune to leafbleed, but they can carry and transmit it. (3) Between this and their ability to drain the nutrients right out of the soil, they can swiftly become the only plants left in the area if unmanaged. (4)
Ochu roots are oft called "milkroot", for the cloudy, sticky white liquid they release when pressed; these roots are a favorite intoxicant for sylphs, though in the Wandering Races, the stuff causes hallucinations and other unpleasant effects. Potency varies from species to species, but all are dangerous to handle, much less consume. (5)
(1) Hunter-scholar: Thousand-Cast Theda
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 278
(3) Levequest: Ochus Bite, Leaves Bleed
(4) Quest: Soil Despoilers
(5) Quest: First Impressions

The ochu does not appear to have an upper limit to its growth, and its appetite will increase to match. Curupira is one such, a price put on the equivalent of its head because of its switch from vilekin to beastkin, but before it could move up to Lalafell. (6)
(6) FATE: Micromanaging
- North Shroud, Peacegarden (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 8

lazy laurence
Ochus do not make good pets, as Farmer Laurence of the East Shroud could attest. Not even naming the seedkin after himself was enough to engender enough affection that it did not end up eating him and then running amok. (7)
(7) FATE: Lazy for You
- East Shroud, Amarissaix's Spire (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 20
Important note: Lazy Laurence's combat rating is deceptive; it is very powerful, and somehow has gained the loyalty of a number of "fruiting fungus". Do not engage without significant assistance.

leafbleed ochu
Though not a species to themselves, precisely, leafbleed ochus are carriers of the leafbleed disease. The Trappers' League regularly posts levequests for the extermination of infected ochus; however, it is not truly necessary to do so, as leafbleed ochus are at least as hostile as any of their cousins, and they will harass travelers on sight (and thus get themselves thoroughly mulched). (3)(8)(9)
(3) Levequest: Ochus Bite, Leaves Bleed
(8) Levequest: Killing Beasts Softly
(9) Levequest: A Guest for Supper
- East Shroud, Hawthorne Hut (levequest only)
- South Shroud, Quarrymill (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 15-30

leathervine microchu
Leathervine microchus are often found in company with leafbleed-infected plants, and thus a constant danger to healthier greenery and seedkin. (3)
But these creatures are not all an evil. Their vines make for a far more durable rope than brambleweed, indeed strong enough to suspend a full-grown Roegadyn man with but one withe. (10)(11)
(3) Levequest: Ochus Bite, Leaves Bleed
(10) Levequest: A Vine Finer than Twine
(11) Item tooltip: Microchu Vine
- Central Shroud, Bentbranch Meadows (levequest only)
- East Shroud, Hawthorne Hut (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 10-19

Microchus are one of the most populous breeds of ochus, seen predominantly in the Central and North Shrouds. Sadly, they are entirely too most populous, meaning that they must be culled full often. Gabineaux and the Archer's Guild frequently send adventurers out to do that deed, and young conjurers and lancers are oft set to hunt them. (4)(12)(13)
Not all find microchus to be an evil, though; Dametta of Hyrstmill includes dried microchu leaflets in her Mun-Tuy elixir, making it more palatable to non-enthusiasts. (14)
(4) Quest: Soil Despoilers
(12) Quest: A Matter of Perspective
(13) Hunting Log: Lancer 6, Conjurer 8
(14) Quest: Drink Your Beans, Dear
- Central Shroud, Greentear
- North Shroud, Peacegarden
Combat Rating: 10-19

Milkroot cluster
There is little that sylphs enjoy so much as milkroot, which is had from the ochus that dwell in the forest--and, in particular, a specific breed of ochu cultivated in the Sylphlands. Its roots are much more potent than those of the milkroot sapling or other ochu breeds, and, thus, generally illegal to possess within the Twelveswood (though rumor has it that the stuff commands a high price on the black market). (15)(16)
Marauders are oft tasked with culling the plants, and hunt bills are regularly issued for them. The Sylphs of Little Solace also put out a bounty on the seedkin--though usually for less law-and-order related purposes. (15)(17)(18)
The Book of Skyfire, a chronicle of the acts of the Zodiac Braves, relates that the Braves enhanced their weapons by fighting these creatures; thus, it is likely that milkroot clusters have been around for quite some time. (19)
(15) Quest: Ripe for the Picking
(16) Item tooltip: Fresh milkroot
(17) Hunting Log: Marauder 48
(18) Hunt bills: Milkroot Cluster
(19) Book of Skyfire I
- East Shroud, Sylphlands
Combat Rating: 48

The ochus found deep in the sylphs' territory in the East Shroud are simply called "ochus"--possibly because the presence of hordes of angry wildlife, the sylphs themselves, and the Third Cohort of Garlemald makes it unwise to linger long enough to give them a more distinctive name. (20)
Sylphs use these seedkin as watchdogs for their territory--sometimes resulting in their spreading well into the lands of their neighbors. (21) Though the roots are intoxicating, the vines can serve as an excellent catalyst for numbing and sleeping potions, and various toxins. (22)
(20) Mob placement as of 6.3
(21) FATE: All Vine and No Popotoes
(22) ALC recipes: Potent paralyzing, sleeping, poisoning, blinding, and silencing potions
- East Shroud, Larkscall
Combat Rating: 40

overgrown ivy
Nine kinds of ivy grow in Nine Ivies; but no more are welcome, such as the "overgrown ivy". The Wood Wailers and Gods' Quiver alike deem this infesting ochu to be a pest, and regularly move to cull them, lest they overrun and drain the forest dry of life. (23)
(23) FATE: Ivy League
- East Shroud, Nine Ivies
Combat Rating: 16 (FATE); 19-21

raveled raincatcher
Ochus do not only thrive in the Twelveswood; they can also be found in the depths of Eastern La Noscea's rainforests--in particular, the "raveled raincatcher".
Fortunately, they are but seldom seen; perhaps this is a result of the dragon Aiatar's legendary taste for toxic plants, to fuel its venom breath. (24)(25)
(24) Mob placement as of patch 6.38
(25) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 2, p. 139
- Eastern La Noscea, Brayflox's Longstop (both)
Combat Rating: 32 (Normal), 50 (Hard)

thousand-cast theda
Some ochus content themselves with feasting upon the abundant vilekin (and small beastkin) of the Shroud; but Thousand-Cast Theda is not so humble as that. Theda relies less on alluring odors and more upon its long vines, using them to snatch fish right out of the rivers of the North Shroud. Judgerays are Theda's particular favorite--and it will not hesitate to snatch up a fisherman who reels them in along with his catch. (1) Those seeking to draw Theda out for extreme pruning would do well to bring a seasoned puller to probe the waters of Fallgourd Float, between the hours of 5 and 9 pm. (26)
(1) Hunter-scholar: Thousand-Cast Theda
(26) Known conditions to catch Judgeray
- North Shroud, various
(Link goes to FFXIVHunt.com)
Combat Rating: 50, S-Rank
Special notes:
Theda is abnormally powerful for an ochu, and will use both an acid spray and its many vines to lash out at attackers. Even seasoned adventurers will need assistance.