Nobody who has encountered a morbol is in doubt of it. Massive, slimy knottings of tendrils and thorns and putrid gas, morbols slither about on fetid roots, slaying anything that crosses their path and befouling any waters they touch. (1)(2) Even seedlings sprout with the ability to spew toxic and sleeping gases. (3)
And should those qualities not be bad enough, the morbol's "fangs" are actually hard thorns, meant to hold prey in place while it is digested--sometimes alive. (1)
Purbols and asvattha are subgenera of morbols, identified easily by the glowing orbs on their tendrils--purple and gold, respectively.
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 279
(2) FATE: Fate is a Fecal Mistress
(3) Morbol Seedling ability set
Known species/types of morbols:
- Morbol
- Lush morbol
- Malodorous morbol
- Budding morbol
- Ark morbol
- Great morbol
- Greater morbol
- Greatest morbol
- Wild morbol
- Morbol menace
- Purbol
- Asvattha
- Greater asvattha
- Murderous asvattha
- Toxic Tamlyn
- Voluptuous Vivian
- Miser's Mistress
- Capricious Cassie
- Clingy Clare
- Jaded Jody
- Jinmenju
- Judgmental Julika
- Malboro Terra
- Melancholic Moira
- Narantsetseg
- Reflective Rebekkah
- Rose bud
- Rose garden
- Stroper
- Halitostroper
- Wild morbol seedling
- Morbol seedling
- Demonic rose
- Goldvine

It is easy to understand how beauty can inspire, but every so often, the other extreme of ugliness will do just the same. So it is with the greater morbol. A larger variety of the "great morbol" infesting the old Sharlayan colony, greater morbols are currently in demand by the Skysteel Manufactory and the Temple Knights. The former desires the monsters subdued and delivered so as to harvest their caustic breath for weaponry; one among the latter simply wants to shock and awe the enemy by riding one into battle. (4)(5)
Sometimes, inspiration and insanity can be impossible to tell apart.
(4) Levequest: Whither the Morbol Goeth
(5) Levequest: Bareback Riding
Habitat: Dravanian Hinterlands, the Makers' Quarter (levequest only)
Combat rating: 58
Special note:
If you decide to assist in the quest to capture greater morbols alive, be cautious not to stand in front of them when they spew their breath.
greater morbol