Small as rodents and no less pestersome, moles are burrowing creatures. All but blind, they walk not by sight, but by vibrations, and hunt earthworms by following their noses. Their pursuit of their quarry often takes them through farm fields and gardens--unwitting, but still uprooting and destroying crops. (1) (2)
Those moles that spend more time aboveground, including tuco-tuco, sometimes have spiny skin to deter predators; they are often called "hedgemoles". (1)
Moles are scientifically known as "talpids". (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 275
(2) Quest: Thwack-a-Mole
Known species/types of moles:
- Clever hedgemole
- Naked mole
- Rat mole
- Moraby mole
- Sewer mole
- Monstrous mole
- Holed mole
- Untamed shrew
- Tuco-tuco
- Drybone tuco-tuco
- Ironquill tuco-tuco
- Steelquill tuco-tuco
- Gatling
- Hedgemole
- Moraby hedgemole
- Diamond-tooth hedgemole
- Snapping shrew
- Naked shrew
- Snipping shrew

Typically, hedgemoles are so designated because of their "hedge" of spines adorning their backs. For some reason, though, "clever hedgemoles" earned the name despite having no spiky needles at all.
Their contrariness extends beyond their names, as well: They resist attempts to repel them without recourse to violence, instead doing violence themselves to crops such as the ogre pumpkins of Red Rooster Stead. Extermination is still counted the best method of controlling these pests. (3)
(3) Quest: Whack-a-Mole
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood (quest only)
Combat Rating: 6

Naked moles were thought to be extinct as of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, but recently, they have been seen again on the outskirts of the Moraby Drydocks. (4) Unfortunately, it would seem that only the aggressive ones survived, as they now appear and waylay random adventurers during surveys. (5)
Of late, they have also been found in company with outlaw qiqirn who have been harassing merchants on the road, even jumping to the beastmen's defense when challenged. (6)
(4) Gamer Escape entry on Naked Moles
(5) Levequest: Strand by Me
(6) Levequest: Another Egg Gone
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Moraby Bay (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 16 to 21

Rat moles were thought to be extinct as of the Seventh Umbral Calamity; however, the resilient little beastkin have made a resurgence, just in time to be a nuisance to the farmers of Cedarwood. (7)
Arenlona from the Red Rooster Stead regularly posts levequests to exterminate the creatures, among others. (8)
(7) Gamer Escape entry on Rat Moles
(8) Levequest: Red Stead Redemption
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 4