
The megalotragus is an herbivore that prefers broken and rocky terrain for its home. This may take the form of such places as Abalathia's Spine, or the ruins of Amdapor.
The crowning rack of horns atop the beastkin's head has given rise to quite a bit of unexpected controversy. Some naturalists such as Raimdelle call the megalotragus a close cousin to the antelope; others, however, say that it is kin to the aldgoat. Some, of course, point to the simple naming of the thing to bolster the aldgoat theory (apparently under the impression that Garleans are more accurate about naming a thing than anyone else). (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 277

Known species/types of megalotragus:
- Gazelle
- Megalotragus
- Alpha gazelle
- Gallivanting gazelle
- Stray gazelle

The gazelle ranges south of the Peering Stones in the Fringes of Gyr Abania. While mostly unremarkable, gazelles boast a hide most prized for armorcrafting. (2)
(2) Drop table
Habitat: The Fringes, Virdjala
Combat Rating: 67
Special notes:
The gazelle, like its cousins, makes great use of its crown of horns. Aside from striking, gazelles charge at their foes and seek to impale them, or at least send them sprawling.