Few wavekin boast such succulent meat as the massive megalocrab. Tender and sweet, these are a favorite of predators--or, rather, they would be, if their shells were not thick and hard as steel armor plate. (1)
Megalocrabs tend to prefer riverbanks and coastal areas, and seldom leave their feeding grounds unless driven forth by competition. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 280
(2) Quest: Axe in the Stone

Known species/types of megalocrabs:
- Man-eating gasame
- Warmspring gasame
- Bloated big claw
- Cancer
- Gripper
- Moonfire snipper
- Spawning megalocrab
- Territorial snipper
- Decoy crab
- Nahn
- Beryl crab
- Drawn gasame
- Cave crab
- Snipper
- Hungry snipper

Megalocrabs generally prefer fish, and will gorge themselves on a fresh catch if allowed. But some turn their tastes toward the flesh of the fisherman instead of the fish, and those must necessarily be put down. (3)
Big claws are among these. They ordinarily look identical to their less offensive cousins, but a shock from a lightning sprite's core will reveal its true, red color. (4) (5)
(3) Levequest: Grabbing Crabs
(4) Levequest: Claw-Struck
(5) Levequest: The Deathliest Catch
- Western La Noscea, Quarterstone (levequest only)
- Lower La Noscea, the Empty Heart (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 10 to 14, 21 to 25

Island megalocrabs are not much known for lingering far from sunny shores--but they are known for fleeing inland ahead of larger predators than themselves. This species has recently been sighted as far inland as the Mourning Widow, and the Marauder's Guild was called upon to clear them out, lest they prey on passersby and children. (2)
(2) Quest: Axe in the Stone
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, The Mourning Widow (quest only)
Combat Rating: 15
Special note:
Island megalocrabs are often seen in the company of molting megalocrabs--and are far more dangerous.

The simply named "megalocrab" is a fairly common sight in Lower and Middle La Noscea. While ordinarily not hostile, they can be something of a pest; for instance, they are known to mistake leather for squid, and distress the leather beyond usefulness. (6)
Young marauders and rogues are often called upon to help cull the creatures. (7)
(6) Quest: Out to Dry
(7) Hunting Logs: Marauder, Rogue
- Lower La Noscea, The Gods' Grip
- Middle La Noscea, Three-Malm Bend
Combat Rating: 10 to 13

Megalocrabs will, in the process of growing ever larger, sometimes cast off their carapace in favor of growing a larger. This does not make them any the less dangerous; molting megalocrabs will often congregate in swarms of three or more, and often alongside an island megalocrab.
Seldom seen inland, they have been sighted recently at the Mourning Widow--before being dispatched by the Marauders' Guild. (2)
(2) Quest: Axe in the Stone
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, The Mourning Widow (quest only)
Combat Rating: 5

"Nahn" is not the true name of this massive megalocrab--only underwater can one say the name correctly--but it will do to be getting on with. The Sahagin have no compunction about using living creatures as weapons of war, and Nahn is no different; it was drawn up from the utter depths of the Indigo Deep, and unleashed on Western La Noscea to strike where it may. Something that was born to survive the crushing press of so much water is necessarily quite durable, and very deadly. (8)
(8) Hunter-scholar: Nahn
Habitat: Western La Noscea, various
(Link goes to FFXIVHunt.com)
Combat Rating: 50, A rank
Special Note:
Nahn is known to unleash showers of bubbles, either around him or directly in front of him. One would do well to stand in neither.

When one thinks of "ancient eldritch abomination", one seldom thinks of a megalocrab. But the people of Quarterstone seem firmly convinced that one crab, Old Six-Arms, is older even than Limsa Lominsa, that it has lived since the Fifth Astral Era. Though that is probably untrue, Old Six-Arms certainly comports itself like an ancient terror of enormous power, and adventurers are sought to cast it down. (9)
(9) FATE: (I Just) Died in Six Arms Tonight
Habitat: Western La Noscea, The Brewer's Beacon (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 13
Special Note:
Those seeking to challenge Old Six-Arms should be wary of the cascade of caustic bubbles he unleashes before him, as well as opportunistic attacks from nearby arbor buzzards.

Though many of the megalocrabs in the Three-Malm Bend are docile, and pesky at best, some grow larger and more hostile. Shearing Sheridan is one of them, often seen waylaying travelers. Adventurers are called upon to slay him. (10)
(10) FATE: Shearing Is Caring
Habitat: Middle La Noscea, Three-Malm Bend (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 10
Special Note:
Those seeking to challenge Shearing Sheridan should be wary of the cascade of caustic bubbles he unleashes before him.

suspicious megalocrab
Life cannot be easy for a creature known as a "suspicious megalocrab", but the people who live near them can hardly be blamed. Often, among their number, these crabs conceal "big claws", which are much more voracious and dangerous, and can only be revealed with the aid of lightning-sprite cores. (4)(5)
Another solid reason for people to mistrust these creatures is that, every so often, they can and will attack those who pass through the Gods' Grip. (11)(12)
(4) Levequest: Claw-struck
(5) Levequest: The Deathliest Catch
(11) Levequest: Man the Ore
(12) Levequest: Strand By Me
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, the Gods' Grip (levequests only)
Combat Rating: 19-23
Special Note:
Those seeking to hunt these megalocrabs down should be wary of the cascade of caustic bubbles they unleash before them.