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The kaluk is a testament to the power of teamwork. Once, these creatures were leshies, but an encounter with a fungal outbreak caused a change in them. They shed their leaves, spurned the aid of sunlight in the making of their food, and began instead to feed upon carrion and other rotting matter. (1)

They tend to linger in places where there has been much death, and this would not be a problem, if they did not also have a taste for fresher drink. They will not hesitate to entrap a random beast or traveler if the opportunity arises. (2)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 254
(2) FATE: Sip When I'm Dead

Known species/types of kaluk:

- Kaluk
- Withered kaluk

- Karya


Most kaluks will cheerfully consume anything that enters their territory, but sometimes, pickings are slim. When that happens, they are known to invade lichyards and potters' fields, to drive down their thirsty roots into the bodies of the recently slain. The mourners of those slain, of course, take this as a desecration and an insult. (2)

Clan Centurio does try to help this problem by issuing bounties on kaluks. (3)

(2) FATE: Sip When I'm Dead
(3) Centurio hunt: Kaluk

Habitat: The Lochs, the High Bank

Combat Rating: 69

Special Notes: The kaluk is a predator, and will use its seedkin nature to catch its prey. Between lashing its foes with its springy arms, it will also unleash a Creeping Ivy to tangle unwary feet and slow their retreat, use roots outright to hold them fast (for feeding), and unleash a massive strike through the surrounding earth.