Sadly, jellyfish are not as friendly as their name would suggest, nor as squishy and sweet. Their main characteristic is their bulbous bodies, held aloft by gases, which gases they expel in order to propel themselves through the air. (1)
But the real danger of these wavekin is their tendrils. These make up their primary weapon, loaded with paralytic venom or, in the case of anemones, electrical charge--both of which can stun an enemy or its prey. (1)
Alchemists find use for the tendrils and umbrellas of the jellyfish, and some even eat the things. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 283
(2) Quest: Glory Days
Known species/types of jellyfish:
- Aurelia
- Saltwater aurelia
- Territorial aurelia
- Cave aurelia
- Dark matter aurelia
- Aetherbound aurelia
- Bloodshore bell
- Vale wasp
- Territorial sea wasp
- Shore jellyfish
- Cuachac
- Acubens
- Cyclomedusa
- Sea wasp

Aureliae are a common sight in Lower and Middle La Noscea--but by no means does this make them welcome. They have a habit of dumping the salt their bodies contain--not a problem, ordinarily, unless they do so over prime farmland where the Rhotano Sea's winds have driven them. (3)
Young marauders are often set to culling them, and rogues in particular use their stinging tendrils to teach evasion. The umbrellas are edible--barely. (4) (5) (2)
(3) FATE: Crying Over Spilled Salt
(4) Hunting Log: Marauder, Rogue
(5) Quest: A Dainty Dilemma
(2) Quest: Glory Days
- Lower La Noscea, Moraby Bay
- Middle La Noscea, Summerford (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 1, 4 to 5

Aureliae are already pestersome, but their appetites seem to grow with them. One specimen in particular, Cuachac, is known not merely to attack, but to prey upon passersby--stinging them into helplessness, and then unleashing a caustic fluid that pre-digests them before it feeds.
This, of course, is unacceptable, and adventurers are called upon to slay it. (7)
(7) FATE: I Melt With You
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, The Mourning Widow (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 3
Special note:
As with all jellyfish, beware its paralytic tendrils.

Saltwater aureliae, left alone, have a tendency to congregate near the Tempest Gate of Limsa Lominsa, and harry travelers. Levemetes sometimes call upon adventurers to thin their numbers. (8)(9)
(8) Levequest: A Long and Winding Road
(9) Levequest: Man the Ore
Lower La Noscea, The Mourning Widow (levequest only)
Lower La Noscea, The Gods' Grip (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 1 to 4, 21 to 24

Aureliae, no less than other creatures, can be provoked to territorial rage by certain odors. This fact is exploited by those who hide traps in treasure chests, and the musk released--particularly by those chests found on peisteskin treasure maps--can madden these wavekin into attacking from seemingly nowhere.
Territorial aureliae are seldom seen, except when lured by musk from treasure chests found through peisteskin maps.
Combat Rating: 50