It can be difficult to make the distinction between jackals and wolves, their cousins. Indeed, some hold that jackals should be treated as a subset of the larger genus of wolves. However, the majority opinion, and that of the Raimdelle Codex, is that jackals are distinct due to their preference for scavenging carrion over hunting fresh meat. Indeed, their senses of smell are so acute, they can find a carcass several malms away.
The jackals of Vylbrand are natives; those found on the mainland are hybrids with wild dogs.(1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 277
Known species/types of jackals:
- Jackal pup
- Padfoot
- Raggedy jackal
- Wild jackal
- Red jackal
- Pack jackal
- Tamed jackal
- Dirty mongrel
- Dusty mongrel
- Serpent Reaver deckhound
- Imperial war hound
- Chupacabra

One of the major downsides to being a carrion feeder is incredible bodily stench. Jackal pups are, in fact, so smelly, that their mere presence can result in a disturbance of civilized people's sleep--as Lyulf the farmer can attest. For this reason, adventurers are occasionally called upon to cull packs of stinky jackal pups. (2)
(2) Levequest: A Tall Odor
Habitat: Western La Noscea, Swiftperch (FATE only)
Special note:
Jackal pups may be young, but they still know how to let the blood of their enemies and drink it, restoring their own strength. (3)
(3) Ability: Sanguine Bite

Jackals can be rather territorial, and this particular specimen--named "Padfoot"--decided that its territory was now the area nigh Oschon's Embrace, outside of the Moraby Drydocks. Its reign of terror has extended to the merchants traveling overland to the shipyard, and adventurers' aid in putting it down is more than welcome. (4)
(4) FATE: Under the Bridge
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Gods' Grip (FATE only)
Special note:
Padfoot not only follows the traditions of his kin by attempting to rip tendons and open bleeding wounds, but also in lingering among other jackals. Care should be taken not to be overwhelmed by other jackals.

raggedy JACKAL
The "raggedy jackal" is essentially what its name describes. It is known to attack unsuspecting adventurers in the performance of surveys and other such, so one must be suspicious at all times so as not to be made into jackal food. (5)
(5) Levequest: Strand by Me
- Lower La Noscea, The Gods' Grip (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 21-25

Wild jackals lurk in many places around Vylbrand and occasionally on the mainland of Aldenard. They are pestersome scavengers, and if something tasty (or even not tasty at all) has been lost along the road, you can find them ready to fight you for it. (6)
(6) Quest: Thanks a Million
- Middle La Noscea, Three-Malm Bend
Combat Rating: 9 to 14, 34, 39