
Hornbills are large and predatory cloudkin that can be found in many corners of the known world. Though much of their physiology is similar to that of vultures, they are easily distinguished by their large, down-curving bill with a heavy underjaw and the horn that surmounts their heads (for which they are named). (1)
Hornbill talons are not merely sharp, but when powdered and combined with chapuli horns, make a pain-relieving tea good in particular for aching muscles and joints. (2) The Ixal also have much use for them, raiding their nests for eggs that they might train new allies in their war. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 284
(2) Quest: Hard Country
Known species/types of hornbills:
- Gyr Abanian hornbill
- Ruby hornbill
- Abalathian hornbill
- Haam hornbill
- Dragon hornbill
- Guhuo Niao
- Ruffled hornbill
- Territorial hornbill
- River hornbill

Gyr abanian hornbill
The Gyr Abanian hornbill is not unlike its cousins in far-off lands; but of particular note among these are their talons. It is in the Peaks that their particular virtue as a pain-relieving decoction was discovered, and there it is still used in folk remedies, usually alongside powdered chapuli horns. (2)
It is perhaps in ignorance of this that Clan Centurio sets bounties on the cloudkin--or possibly, in hopes that adventurers will leave behind the bodies which then may be stripped by less capable passersby. (3)
(2) Quest: Hard Country
(3) Centurio Hunt: Gyr Abanian Hornbill
Habitat: The Peaks, the Last Forest
Combat Rating: 60
Special Notes: The Gyr Abanian hornbill makes the most of its unusual beak with an overhead strike to its nearest foe, which the locals call "Breakbeak".