Those who have seen a goobbue only at a distance could be excused for thinking it seedkin, but indeed, the humble goobbue is beastkin; the moss and lichen on its head and shoulders are actually passengers, and pay their fare by living as camouflage. The goobbue in turn takes great pains to keep its vegetable symbiotes alive, scooping water onto them with its very hands. (1)
Despite their complacency, goobbues are carnivorous, and anything that seems like food that passes too near them is swiftly put into their mouth. (1)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 275

Known species/types of goobbues:
- Alpha goobbue
- Frenzied goobbue
- Frenzied mossback
- Mossless goobbue
- Goobbue
- Elder goobbue
- Highland goobbue
- Farmer goobbue
- Sweet-tooth goobbue
- Mildewed goobbue
- Frostbitten goobbue
- Snowstorm goobbue
- Hoary goobbue
- Foaming goobbue
- Tamed goobbue
- Jungle goobbue
- Longarm
- Jolly Green
- Shezmu
- Croque-mitaine
- Keeper of Halidom
- Meltwater goobbue

It is a testament to the maddening musks that load Eorzean traps, that they can drive even the peaceful goobbue into a jealous frenzy.
Seldom seen otherwise, the alpha goobbue is particularly susceptible to this lure, and will lay about it with its stretchy arms and spew its moldy sneezes over anyone competing for treasure.
Alpha goobbues appear only when lured, during searches for treasures pinpointed by peisteskin maps. They are most likely to appear in La Noscea.
Combat Rating: 50

Goobbues have a certain sensitivity to aether, it would seem; they are drawn to disturbances therein.
More so than that, it seems they can be driven into a right frenzy by a change in the local aether, and will rush straight to the site with murderous intent. (1)
(1) Quest: Lurkers in the Grotto
Habitat: Middle La Noscea, Seasong Grotto (quest only)
Combat Rating: 6

The "mossless" goobbues of Middle La Noscea are generally fairly docile. However, the gentlest giant can eventually be goaded into a fight.
Apparently, a goobbue can be driven quite mad by stabbing a knife into its back and then running like the wind; baffled, it will then lash out at anyone nearby, even going so far as to hunt down a person to punish for its pain. (1)
(1) Quest: Lurkers in the Grotto

Habitat: Middle La Noscea, Seasong Grotto (quest only)
Combat Rating: 12

The goobbues of Middle and Lower La Noscea are referred to as "mossless", despite their shoulders and scalps being no less green than most of their cousins'.
Traipsing quietly about the countryside, seemingly without a care in the world, they typically only become a threat to adventurers whose aim leaves something to be desired--unless local aether becomes well disturbed. Young marauders and arcanists are often sent forth to challenge the greened giants. (1)
(1) Hunting Logs: Arcanist, Marauder
- Middle La Noscea, Summerford
- Middle La Noscea, Zephyr Drift
- Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood
- Lower La Noscea, Moraby Bay
Combat Rating: 12 to 17