
The gigantoad is possibly one of the more maligned wavekin of our star. Perhaps it is because their gaze and manner might tempt one to think them friendlier than they are, and thus unnerves one. Perhaps it is the stench of their presence, which is enough to frighten a chocobo. (1) Perhaps it is the sheer frustration of trying to fight one, only to have one's blows slide off like rain on a window. (2)
Whatever the case, gigantoads enjoy much less regard than they deserve, for their sticky tongues snare large vilekin that would otherwise plague mankind. That being said, when unmanaged by predators or the hand of man, gigantoads can multiply out of control and cause new problems all their own. (3)
(1) Levequest: Reeking Havoc
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 1, p. 282
(3) FATE: You Call That a Toad
Known species/types of gigantoad:
- Cane toad
- Gigantoad
- Giggling gigantoad
- Laughing toad
- Lumber toad
- Luncheon toad
- Rivertoad
- Vodyanoi
- Lentic
- Heket
- Ogama
- Sandtoad
- Toxic toad
- Velodyna toad
- Territorial gigantoad
- Territorial luncheon toad
- Nix
- Nether nix
- Croakadile
- Ledge leaper
- Abaddon
- Bone nix
- Winter nix
- Horny toad
- Hull nix
- Inflated nix
- Lake nix
- Copperbell nix
- Dreamtoad
- Doomed gigantoad
- Alpha nix

Some say there is such a thing as being "too prepared"--particularly if they are what is prepared against. So too with the abaddon. This gigantoad dwells in the salt washes of the Gyr Abanian Lochs, and its body has become so toxic over the generations that it glares purple with a promise of poisonous doom. (Not that this proves any deterrence to Ala Mhigans, who harvest their poisons for their arrows and daggers.) (4) What's more, their massive size amplifies their voices, and a mere few of them can rattle a house so that things fall from its shelves. (5)
In recent years, abaddon populations have overrun their sustainable numbers, and have struck out into new parts of the Lochs to find food and home. On occasion, they trouble those who dwell and work up near the Queen's Gardens, and have begun to invade the Royal Hunting Grounds to prey upon the royal morphos. (5)(6) Clan Centurio regularly posts bounties on the wavekin. (7)
Abaddon tendons are quite elastic, and make an excellent tourniquet or binding for bandages, splints, and prosthetics. (8)
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 2, p. 257
(5) FATE: Dusk Till Abaddon
(6) FATE: Fate No Morpho
(7) Centurio Hunt: Abaddon
(8) Quest: Necessities of War
- The Lochs, the High Bank
Combat Rating: 69
Special Notes: Along with the normal attacks that all gigantoads employ--Labored Leap, Sticky Tongue and Lap--abaddons make use of their poisonous nature to spray toxins about them. This technique is known as Vasoconstrictor.

giggling gigantoad
Parata's Peace, in Western Thanalan, is forever shrouded in caustic gases, thanks to a shift in the aetheric aspect of the region. (4) However, its new tilt away from earth has made it an ideal home for such creatures as the "giggling gigantoad".
Though seldom disturbed by adventurers, except those on their way through, the giggling gigantoad is an excellent source of skins for leatherworking. (5)
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 1, p. 142
(5) Drop table as of patch 6.3.8
- Western Thanalan, Parata's Peace
Combat Rating: 24

laughing toad
The "laughing toad" is another new tenant of Parata's Peace in Western Thanalan, thanks to the Seventh Umbral Calamity realigning the region's elemental aspect away from earth. (4) Close enough cousin to the giggling gigantoad that they live in harmony, they are an excellent source of tough hides for leatherworking--if one has the skill and savvy to collect them without being swallowed or crushed. (5)
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 1, p. 142
(5) Drop table as of patch 6.3.8
- Western Thanalan, Parata's Peace
Combat Rating: 23