Flying traps (sometimes also called "roselets") number among the ambulatory carnivorous plants of our star, though most of them focus on vilekin. Upon maturity, trap leaves become increasingly vibrant, and secrete a sticky substance; vilekin are drawn, and caught, and then ingested. (1)(2)
Though this might seem a blessing, traps are also known to be rather hostile to Men, barraging the random passerby with a volley of seeds, spewing soporific pollen, and generally rummaging about in farm fields and crowding out all else. (3)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 279
(2) Levequest: Scent of a Roselet
(3) FATE: Fight the Flower
Fortunately, flying traps are not without their uses. Blue leaves of some are quite edible--if washed well enough, and if the diner does not mind the leaf still twitching about. (1) (4) (5)
Other trap leaves are excellent for use in warding potions, growth formulae, and other alchemical concoctions. (6) Indeed, in a pinch, the leaf can be simply broken and applied directly for swift relief. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 279
(2) Levequest: Scent of a Roselet
(4) Culinarian Recipe: Landtrap Salad
(5) Item tooltip: Blue Landtrap Leaf
(6) Various Alchemist recipes
Known species/types of flying traps:
- Sweettrap
- Toxic battrap
- Val icetrap
- Violet flytrap
- Deep Palace trap
- Roseling
- Sleet trap
- Ocean roseling
- Mun-Tuy sapling
- Cloudtrap
- Mitetrap
- Roselet
- Dark matter roselet
- Barometz
- Foxglove
- Lily of the Saint
- Lily of the Vale
- Wolfsbane
- Yetitrap
- Icetrap
- Garden cloudtrap

Primarily found not on the Eblan Rime of Garlemald, but the Regio Domorum, Eblan icetraps are proof that even the deepest snows and bare ice itself are no barrier to plant life. They also prove that a change in weather does not change the temperament of the creature; as pestersome as any of their distant kin, Eblan icetraps are wont to barrage passersby with wind gusts and sharp seeds. (7)
What they are not, though, is poisonous. Only recently have the toxic variety emerged in Garlemald. (8) Sharlayan's Gleaners' Guildship regularly posts bounties for samples. (9)
(7) Enemy abilities: Seedvolley and Swift Sough
(8) FATE: Nettle Gear Solid
(9) Hunt: Eblan Icetrap
Habitat: Regio Domorum, Garlemald
Combat Rating: 82

Full-grown manjusaka are reclusive, compared with their more simply named kin, and appear to demonstrate pack-like behaviors. Indeed, if one wishes to force an overgrown manjusaka out into the open, slaying two or three of these creatures will achieve it. (10)
(10) Quest: Do It for the Vine
The Hamsa Hatchery, Thavnair (quest only)
Combat Rating: 80-90

Most living things in the Black Shroud are treated with care, as part of the natural order of things--at least, until they upset that order.
Kedtraps are notorious for precisely that upsetting. Their voracious appetites, relentless spreading, and hostility to all and sundry often stir the hostility of the Shroud's elementals. (11) As such, the leaves of the kedtrap are often given as part of a South Shroud ritual to remember the sacrifice of a treant guardian. (12)
(11) Item tooltip: Kedtrap Petal
(12) Quest: The Trees Have Eyes
Kedtraps are thinned out on the regular, as they are quite apt to choke out all other plant life. Along the Upper Paths of the South Shroud in particular is this done. (13) As well, a strong north wind will sometimes carry seeds of kedtraps south into Eastern Thanalan, where the Brass Blades must cull them. (14)
Not for nothing, then, are young arcanists, gladiators, and thaumaturges oft tasked with culling them. (15)
(13) FATE: Kickin' It with the Kedtraps
(14) FATE: Desert Rose
(15) Hunting Logs: Arcanist, Gladiator, Thaumaturge
- South Shroud, Upper Paths
- Eastern Thanalan, Wellwick Wood (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 19-22, 23 (FATE)
Special Notes:
Great care should be taken when fighting kedtraps; not only do they spew seed volleys and gusts of breath, they also spew toxic sap. (16)
(16) Enemy abilities: Seedvolley, Sour Sough, Swift Sough

leafbleed roseling
The flying trap seems to be not unlike the cockroach of seedkin: able to proliferate and thrive in places where other species have been wiped out. Researchers with the Greatloam Growery, as a result, have taken an interest in the creature, and constantly seek samples for inspection and testing. (2)
Others, however, are not so enamored of the petaled fiends. Leafbleed roselings are known to attack passersby furiously, and they present a constant danger to the fields of farmers in the Central Shroud. (17)(18)(19)(20)
(2) Levequest: Scent of a Roselet
(17) Levequest: Going Green
(18) Levequest: A Shroom with a View
(19) Levequest: Killing Beasts Softly
(20) Levequest: It's Hard Being Moogle
But, fortunately, leafbleed roselings are not without their uses. Quarrymill healers have long since learnt to use the leaves, unprepared if necessary, to patch burns and cuts to aid their healing. (21)
(21) Levequest: No Leaves Left Behind
- South Shroud, Upper Paths (levequests only)
- Central Shroud, Bentbranch Meadows (levequests only)
Combat Rating: 5-9, 20-24

Matagaigar is not a breed of flying trap, but a singular seedkin that earned itself a name by its longevity and notoriety. It is known not just for the typical predatory practices of an overgrown trap, but for its tendency to carry leafbleed. Adventurers are sometimes called upon to hack the viney menace down to size, for the sake of all green things in the Twelveswood. (22)
(22) FATE: Bleeding Green
- Central Shroud, the Hedgetree (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 13

Many are the means by which people will intoxicate themselves, and milkroot is among them. Though barely more than a flagon of mead to a sylph, its effects on men include fevered visions, and even death. (23) (24)
It should be noted that milkroot is a product of ochu, not of flying traps; these traplike saplings are only a transitional form. (23)
(23) Main Scenario Quest: First Impressions
(24) FATE: Got Milkroot
Milkroot plants are much cultivated in the Sylphlands among the Touched; those of Little Solace, however, count this trend as a danger to all. Both the authorities of Gridania and of the unchanged sylphs send adventurers to destroy saplings, in hopes of curtailing the rising crisis of addiction and death--although, at times, it would seem the sylphs themselves haven't necessarily the most altruistic motivations. (24)(25)(26)
(24) FATE: Got Milkroot
(25) Quest: Ripe for the Picking
(26) Hunting Log: Archer
- East Shroud, Sylphlands
Combat Rating: 43 (FATE), 48
Special Notes:
Great care should be taken when fighting milkroot saplings; not only do they spew seed volleys and gusts of breath, they also spew toxic sap. (4)
(4) Enemy abilities: Seedvolley, Sour Sough, Swift Sough

The hippo riders of Svarna accept naught less than the best for their steeds, and among the secrets of their speedy carriages is the padding for the yokes. To protect the hippos' skin from chafing, the riders weave the thick, robust vines of overgrown manjusaka. (10)(27)
Overgrown manjusaka tend to be hard to find, unless one attacks the full-grown manjusaka in their neighborhood. (27)
(10) Quest: Do It for the Vine
(27) Item tooltip: Thick Manjusaka Vines
The Hamsa Hatchery, Thavnair (quest only)
Combat Rating: 80-90

POisonous flytrap
The poisonous flytrap is the scourge of the East and South Shrouds, sometimes huddling in the midst of less-offensive landtraps (though the offensiveness is but a matter of degree, to be frank). (21)(28)(29)(30)
The pollen of this seedkin is particularly irritating to the eyes and nose; a mere puff can send someone into uncontrollable sneezing fits that even disrupt glamours. (29)(31)
(21) Levequest: No Leaves Left Behind
(28) Levequest: The Root of the Problem
(29) Levequest: More than Meets the Eye
(30) Levequest: Necrologos: Olidious Separation
(31) Item tooltip: Large Pollen Cluster
- South Shroud, the Upper Paths (levequests only)
Combat Rating: 20-29

Hunters for buried treasure well know that chests are trapped, and that the traps often involve an alluring spray that attracts local wildlife. Ironic, then, is the trap that draws traps--specifically, flytraps, which are none too happy about it.
Territorial flytraps are reclusive, seldom seen unless lured out. Like their cousins, they spit seeds and numbing gases.
Territorial flytraps may be drawn to chests located via peisteskin maps. They are not seen any other time.
Combat Rating: 50

Whence they came, none can yet say, but a venomous variety of Eblan icetraps have suddenly emerged in the Regio Domorum. The area does not need more creatures looking to sup upon the already struggling Garleans. Adventurers, therefore, are sometimes called upon to help cull their numbers. (8)
(8) FATE: Nettle Gear Solid
Habitat: Garlemald, Regio Domorum (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 78