The elbst is believed to be a distant cousin to the peiste, but while the peiste is scalekin, the elbst belongs to the waters. Its long, pugil-like beak lined with razor-sharp teeth, this wavekin is a formidable hunter both in the sea and on the land. For this reason, the sahagin keep them as beasts of burden and of war. (1)
The tursus is not counted a separate species from elbst, though all tursus appear to be found in frozen climes, and all elbst in warmer waters. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 283
(2) Mob placement as of patch 6.3.8
Known species/types of elbst:
- Coldwater tursus
- Big Flipper
- Eblan tursus
- Sirius elbst
- Surf elbst
- Sapsa elbst
- Swiftwater hakulaq
- Inland tursus
- Hungry tursus
- Ilsabardian tursus
- Stronghold tursus
- Alpha tursus
- Polis tursus
- Tursus

Domesticated elbst are used by the sahagin for beasts of war, along with other species, and it seems there is an entire economy around the practice. Male elbst are sold among them for stud, and can be quite as dear as a well-bred Ishgardian destrier chocobo. (3)
Strangely enough for a cold-blooded species, even elbst males are fiercely protective of their offspring. (3)
(3) Quest: Ain't Got Time to Breed

The "big flipper" is not strictly a species to itself, but a description given by the sahagin to the sire of the elbst in the Sapsa Spawning Grounds. It is unclear whether all stud elbst are known as "big flippers", or if it was just the one brute.(3)
Whatever the case, the big flipper proved quite protective of its offspring, and its scales were only breached by use of something called "milky vitriol". (3)
(3) Quest: Ain't Got Time to Breed
- Western La Noscea, Sapsa Spawning Grounds (quest only)
Combat Rating: 46

Sapsa elbst
The Sapsa elbst is the species best known as the sahagin's beast of war. It is already swift under the water, and is made so on the land by clipping the webbing on its feet and legs. (4)
As fierce as they are, those that can be found in the Sapsa Spawning Grounds are but hatchlings. They were bred there by their masters; however, since the slaying of the "big flipper", their sire, it is likely that their numbers will be ever fewer. (3)
Legend has it that the Zodiac Braves would imbue their weapons with the souls of these creatures, or some very like them. (5)
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol. 2, p. 296
(3) Quest: Ain't Got Time to Breed
(5) Book of Skywind I
- Western La Noscea, Sapsa Spawning Grounds
Combat Rating: 46