Qiqirn are oft treated as troublesome folk, but one thing that has greatly improved the lot of Eorzeans has been their importation of dodos. Originally from the island of Mazlaya, these birds are ideal for their fine, plump meat, large eggs, and soft feathers.(1)
The Calamity did result in many domesticated dodos escaping into the wild, where they have resumed their natural aggression. Those seeking to raise dodos must do so from the egg, and take care to remove the poison gland that causes the feathered creatures to spew toxic sedatives. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 284
(2) Quest: Need to Breed
Despite what one would think, dodos are not without intelligence. For example, mother dodos do not immediately build their nests from what dry grass they may find, but spread it out in the sun for several days first, ensuring a clean and mold-free nest for their young. (3)
These nests tend to be quite durable, and require quite a bit to break them apart, should one wish to drive dodos off of a piece of land. (4)
(3) Item tooltip: Dodo's Nest
(4) FATE: The Last Straw

Known species/types of dodos:
- Fat dodo
- Feral dodo
- Gluttonous Gertrude
- Stray dodo
- Wild dodo
- Tamed dodo
- Gastornis
- Gastornis tercel
- Nesting gastornis
- Cockatrice
- Diatryma
- Game fowl

Of the dodos that escaped during the Seventh Umbral Calamity, probably the least pestersome are the ones called "fat dodos". Generally docile unless provoked, they linger in the fields north of Swiftperch, doing not much of anything.
Nevertheless, fat dodos are often marked for culling by the Arcanists', Marauders', and Rogues' Guilds. (5)
(5) Hunting Logs: Arcanist, Marauder, Rogue
Habitat: Western La Noscea, Quarterstone
Combat Rating: 9 to 14
Special note:
Take care to avoid the dodo's spittle, which induces sluggishness.

Most dodos are fairly docile, even in the wild, but some fancy themselves rulers of their roosts. Those dodos called "feral dodos" are of the latter, even to the point of harassing caravans bound for Swiftperch and beyond.
Adventurers are sometimes given levequests for the proactive culling of these aggressive cloudkin. (6)
Given that "feral dodos" were oft sighted before the Calamity and thought extinct until recently, these may never have been domesticated. (7)
(6) Levequest: At the Gates
(7) Gamer Escape entry on Feral Dodo
Habitat: Western La Noscea, Quarterstone (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 11
Special note:
Take care to avoid the dodo's spittle, which induces sluggishness.

Gluttonous Gertrude demonstrates just how thin the layer of domestication lies upon dodos. She was a docile denizen of Swiftperch, until one day she inexplicably attacked one of the farmhands and fled into the wilds. (8)
Rather than risk her turning again, adventurers are asked not to recapture her, but to put her down.
(8) FATE: Tender Buttons
Habitat: Western La Noscea, Quarterstone
(FATE only)
Combat Rating: 12
Special note:
Take care to avoid Gertrude's spittle, which induces sluggishness.

Dodos that have gone feral can be remarkably dangerous--for dodos. Viewed as pests rather than resources, farmers at the Red Rooster Stead will often hire adventurers to cull the local stray dodo population. (9)
Ironically, it was thought that the particular variety of dodo called "stray" went extinct due to the Calamity. (10)
(9) Levequest: Red Stead Redemption
(10) Gamer Escape entry on Stray Dodo
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 9
Special notes:
Take care to avoid the stray dodo's spittle, which can cause sluggishness.

The Calamity resulted in the destruction of many established farms, and the deaths of many farmers and ranchers. Flocks of dodos escaped into the wild to survive, returning to their feral ways and multiplying, consuming crops meant for humans. (2)(11)
Young marauders and rogues are often called upon to cull the populations of wild dodos, but Lyulf of Swiftperch seeks fertilized eggs with which to "experiment" and relearn the art of dodo husbandry. (2) (12)
(2) Quest: Need to Breed
(11) FATE: Shredding Wheat
(12) Hunting Logs: Marauder, Rogue
- Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood
- Lower La Noscea, the Eyes
- Lower La Noscea, Empty Heart (FATE only)
- Western La Noscea, Quarterstone (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 4 to 10
Special notes:
Take care to avoid the stray dodo's spittle, which can cause sluggishness.