If one encounters webbing in places below the ground, it is more likely to be diremite webbing. Diremites are known to set up extensive colonies in caves and ruins, as well as in forests--anywhere a web can be strung up for the catching of prey.
Diremite colonies operate on a rigid, sex-based matriarchal structure, not unlike the colonies of antlings. And the names of these vilekin reflect their roles: banemites, the queens who lay eggs; diremites, the males who defend the colony; and mitelings, workers who are yet larvae. Seldom are there more than four banemites in a colony. (1)
Diremite colonies, despite being a threat and nuisance, are an indication that there are other creatures present. They are both carnivorous and nomadic, the entire colony prone to pull up stakes and depart as soon as they have stripped the area of anything they deem even remotely edible. (1) For this reason, they are counted pests, and great pains must be taken to prevent them gaining a foothold in a new territory. (2)

One of the longest-term infestations of diremites was within the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, where the mother banemite had grown to enormous proportions upon the abundant prey. Graffias, the matriarch, was slain by the Warrior of Light, and her clan purged to the last egg, afterward, by the Twin Adders. (3)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Quest: Pest Control
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 137
Diremites are terribly persistent and stealthy creatures, and the eggs of Thavnairian mites often slip into shipments bound for Limsa Lominsa. One method of luring out any hatched mites is to bait them with fetid dodo meat. (4)
On the whole, mitelings themselves are almost indistinguishable, and usually dangerous only in swarms. However, some grow larger and more ferocious than the others--naturalists say once every few moons--and thus special pains must be taken to slay them before they reach adulthood. (5)
Special care must be taken when engaging a full-grown mite; its tailtip is quite sharp, and can skewer even a man in full armor. (6)
(4) Quest: Forbidden Island
(5) FATE: Dschubba Snacks
(6) Ability: Deadly Thrust
Known species/types of diremites:
- Diremite
- Vale diremite
- Tam-Tara diremite
- Polis diremite
- Banemite
- Banemite straggler
- Heavy banemite
- Invasive banemite
- Vale banemite
- Cell mite
- Comesmite
- Madmite
- Temple mite
- Thavnairian mite
- Dschubba
- Graffias
- Girtab
- Domesticated banemite
- Tam-Tara banemite
- Polis banemite
- Miteling
- Miteling straggler
- Deepcroft miteling
- Invasive miteling
- Thavnairian miteling
- Tam-Tara miteling
- Polis miteling

As was mentioned above, the occasional miteling is hatched that, without any assistance from its nestmates, poses a significant threat to passersby. Such is Dschubba, occasionally seen in the near reaches of the Central Shroud. (5)
(5) FATE: Dschubba Snacks
- North Shroud, Blessed Bud (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 3