Coeurls (pronounced "curls") are not native to Eorzea, but instead, are imported from the Near East. Those you encounter in the wild are descended from beasts kept on the Pearl, an island in the Rothlyt Sound, and trained for war. (1)
What possessed their former owners to bring these fiends from the Near East? You see, all mature coeurls are known for the long tendrils extending above their jaws, the merest touch of which can cause intermittent paralysis by electric shock. A splendid weapon, if it can be harnessed for one's own use--but alas, the coeurls escaped from captivity, and have begun spreading through the wild. (1)
A pack of coeurls is properly called a "pride". (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 276
(2) FATE: When the Coeurl's Away

- Coeurl
- Coeurl pup
- Deep jungle coeurl
- Golden coeurl
- Patripatan
- Slasher
- Truffle coeurl
- Jungle coeurl
- Dark matter coeurl
Known species/types of coeurls:
- Master coeurl
- Maahes
- Bastet
- Sekhmet
- Chopper
- Leucrotta
- Ose
- Reaver coeurl
- Young coeurl

The coeurls populating the western side of Outer La Noscea are simply known as "coeurls"; why it is that they have no special name is unclear. But they do, as all coeurls do, cause naught but grief, preying upon caravans traveling to and from Camp Overlook. (2)
The Maelstrom occasionally puts out a bounty on these coeurls; and rogues and arcanists of middling skill are sometimes tasked with culling this particular pride--though one can hope its closeness to the Floating City of Nym will not go before the adventurers' fall. (3)(4)
(2) FATE: When the Coeurl's Away
(3) Allied hunt bill: Coeurl
(4) Hunting log: ROG, ACN
Habitat: Outer La Noscea, The Floating City of Nym
Combat Rating: 34, 31 (FATE only)
Special Notes:
Coeurls use their tendrils to paralyze enemies.

The population of coeurls in Upper La Noscea is no more native than any other, but at Fool Falls, there is a veritable explosion of births. Coeurl pups, with whiskers as paralytic as any full-grown coeurl's, form prides that forever plague the former pirates of Poor Maid's Mill. (5)
That being said, the qiqirn of Memeroon's Trading Post make the most of nature's bounty by adding coeurl-pup whiskers to their "firewater". (6) As well, arcanists, pugilists, and gladiators-in-training are oft sent to slay a few of them. (7)
(5) FATE: Poor Maid's Misfortune
(6) Quest: Microbrewing
(7) Hunting Log: ACN, PGL, GLA
Habitat: Upper La Noscea, Fool Falls
Combat Rating: 23, 18 (FATE only)
Special Notes:
As with all coeurls, coeurl pups use their tendrils to paralyze enemies.

deep jungle coeurl
Other creatures may have been chased out of Brayflox's Longstop by Aiatar, but not the coeurls. The fierce felines remained, and after the dragon's demise, they appear to have started thriving and multiplying again. (8)
(8) Mob placement as of 6.3.8
Habitat: Eastern La Noscea, Brayflox's Longstop (normal and hard)
Combat Rating: 32, 50

The Agelyss Wise has been no safe path for smallfolk since the arrival of Garlean troops at Castrum Occidens; the golden coeurls that also seek to prey upon the porters and passersby make it no safer. (9)
(9) Levequest: Wonder Wine
Habitat: Eastern La Noscea, Agelyss Wise (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 37
Special Notes:
As with all adult coeurls, golden coeurls use their tendrils to paralyze enemies.

Patripatan is a particularly fierce coeurl that plagues the region between Camp Skull Valley and Aleport. Territorial to the extreme, it takes little more than a whistle on the wind to challenge the beast to combat mortal. (10)
(10) Quest: Brutal Strength
Habitat: Western La Noscea, Skull Valley
Combat Rating: 17
Special Notes:
As with all adult coeurls, Patripatan uses his tendrils to paralyze enemies.

The coeurl pups of Fool Falls occasionally grow bold, and strike into Poor Maid's Mill to prey upon the pirates' bounty--and sometimes the pirates themselves. For them to organize, however, it would seem they rally around a large specimen that leads them. In one notable case, this specimen was dubbed "Slasher"; his defeat broke the nerve of the pups, and sent them scurrying back to the Falls whence they came.
(5) FATE: Poor Maid's Misfortune
Habitat: Upper La Noscea, Poor Maid's Mill (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 22
Special Notes:
As with all adult coeurls, Slasher uses his tendrils to paralyze enemies.

Truffle coeurl
The crew of the Beagle, unemployed thanks to the Calamity, turned their hand to highway robbery under the name "the Striped Lightning". Apparently, business was so good that they could acquire a coeurl to support their predations. (11)
It is not clear, though, whether the name "truffle coeurl" is a species designation, its preferred diet, or just one pirate's strange taste in naming pets.
(11) Levequest: The Light Stripes
Habitat: Lower La Noscea, Empty Heart (levequest only)
Combat Rating: 20-24
Special Notes:
As with all adult coeurls, the truffle coeurl uses his tendrils to paralyze enemies.