
Known species/types of coblyns:
Coblyns are a fairly commonplace Soulkin, found particularly in places where ore and gemstones are plentiful; this is because, to coblyns, minerals are food. Ul'dahn naturalists believe these are sentient rocks that have learned to mimic creatures of flesh in order to grow and multiply; Gridanian experts believe these are simply fleshly beasts that have learned to assimilate rock and gem into their bodies. (1)
The Ul'dahn theory may be nearer to correct, given the existence of Synthetic Doblyns dwelling in the mines of U'Ghamaro.
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 293
Whichever may be the case, there are a fair few varieties of coblyns, and they are called according to their habitats and preferred diets. Zoblyns are found nowhere but in frozen climates, and soblyns dwell only in the salt flats and shores of the Gyr Abanian Lochs. (2) Coblyns and doblyns, on the other hand, are usually distinguished by coblyns preferring a metallic diet, and doblyns choosing gemstones--though either will eat whatever mineral comes to hand. (3)
Coblyns have an important function in the mining process: One may feed them ore that is too full of impurities to be worth putting through the smelting process, and then allow the coblyn to digest and pass the impurities. The purified ore can be then harvested from the coblyn--usually by throwing it into a furnace. (4) While still not the finest quality of ores, it can be useful as a budget alternative to better grades. (5)
(2) Per locations of known species of coblyns
(3) Quest: Give It to Me Raw
(4) Levequest: You Cannot Kill the Metal
(5) Levequest: The Ore the Better
Kobolds have been known to experiment with coblyns, feeding them different minerals to see what sort of effect one might get; this includes such hazardous materials as asbestos. (6)
Another curiosity to coblyn biology is the effect of impurities that remain in their systems. If a coblyn accumulates too many different impurities at the same time, it can become addled and even more hostile than usual. (7)
(6) FATE: Full Metal Alchemist
(7) FATE: Sob Story
- Asbestos coblyn
- Cermet coblyn
- Chalcopyrite coblyn
- Copperbell coblyn
- Soblyn
- Smoked soblyn
- Mixed-up soblyn
- Skalla soblyn
- Greater coblyn
- Schorl doblyn
- Shard doblyn
- Synthetic doblyn

The soblyn is a sort of coblyn unique to the Lochs of Gyr Abania. Though the region is rocky and rich in minerals, the soblyn has chosen to consume the pink salt of the lake itself. Soblyns are far more aggressive and temperamental than their more neighborly kin in other lands; some naturalists theorize that the diet of salt itself may be the cause, corroding their metallic shells. (8)
Clan Centurio regularly issues bounties on soblyns; salt crystals retrieved from their shells can be quite pure enough to use for food, as well. (9)(10)
(8) FATE: When It Pains It Pours
(9) Centurio Hunt: Soblyn
(10) Drop table includes Rock Salt
- The Lochs, the High Bank
Combat Rating: 66, 69
Special note:
Soblyns, not unlike their other kin, use the Shatter spell to discharge lingering lightning aether in their shells. Best not to stand too near when one smells static!