One should never make the mistake of confusing the antling with the antlion. Whereas the antling is a hive creature whose life is dictated to her by a queen, the antlion is a solitary hunter. Lacking the mouthparts and other structures that antlings use for burrowing, the antlion instead finds a space of loose sandy soil and vibrates its legs, creating something almost like a liquid pool of sand, where it then sinks down and lies in wait. (1) Among those favorite prey are common ants. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 255
(2) Quest: Ant Juice
It should be noted that the antlion has two very interesting structures. Its mouthparts form massive shears, which it can use to sever even large prey quite in twain; and it has but four legs, the rear of which it makes into weapons while perching on its forelegs.
Known species/types of antlions:
- Hunter antlion
- Tracer antlion
- Tracker antlion
- Gigaworm stalker
- Antlion ambusher
- Orcus

antlion ambusher
The physicians of Rhalgr's Reach are resourceful by necessity, and one measure they use to replenish their stock of disinfectants is to hunt the hunters. The antlions of Virdjala, in particular, provide a plentiful amount of antlion secretions, and are easily drawn out of their hiding quicksand pools by the smell of powdered ants. (2)(3)
(2) Quest: Ant Juice
(3) Item tooltip: Bottle of Antlion Secretions
Habitat: The Fringes, Virdjala (quest only)
Combat Rating: 69
Special Notes: Once drawn from their hiding places, ambusher antlions will furiously attempt to stab their foes with their hind legs, as well as biting with their massive mandibles. If this fails, they will unleash a Sandstorm of the fine particles in which they had but recently lain in wait, which can blind those before them and reduce their accuracy.