Seldom found outside of desert regions, antlings are nonetheless a typical sight there. These vilekin are not clever creatures, but make up for their lack of intellect with sheer numbers and rigid social construction. (1)
They are generally ruled by a queen, who exclusively lays the eggs from which all antlings hatch; all others are workers and soldiers. Curiously, the composition of the hive is not by happenstance, but by the queen's choice in what sort of eggs she lays. The resulting population is balanced to a purpose, and the soldiers form a more cohesive army than any composed of men. (2)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Quest: While They're Young (1.0)
Prior to the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Diego Athral of the Horn and Hand was engaged in studying whether the eggs could be influenced by man, to hatch more workers or soldiers so as to throw that balance well off. Nothing further is known of his work at this time, however, much less of any success. (2)
Myrmidon antlings are specific to Thanalan, the largest hive of them being the dreaded Cutter's Cry. Contrary to what one might expect, myrmidon queens do not compete for rule of their hives; upon the birth of a "princess", the queen vacates the nest, taking with her half of the colony's workers and soldiers. (3)
Antlings are distinct from antlions, in that antlings burrow directly, whereas antlions vibrate themselves under the ground. Both, however, prefer sandy soils for their hivemaking; bare rock or gravel simply won't do. (4)
(2) Quest: While They're Young (1.0)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 141
(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 255
Known species/types of antlings:
- Antling worker
- Antling sentry
- Antling soldier
- Antling gamergate
- Velveteen ant
- Nest commander
- Myrmidon guard
- Myrmidon princess
- Myrmidon marshal
- Myrmidon sentry
- Myrmidon soldier
- Polis ant

The antlings near Black Brush Station are labeled with the most pragmatic names possible. Around the Hellsbrood Holes, the primary antling nest in Central Thanalan and the outskirts of Cutter's Cry, antling sentries stand watch. These sentries, like all soldier-caste antlings, can be distinguished from the more passive worker castes by their size and mandibles: all along the insides of the mouthparts are serrations and two prominent spurs. (5)
The sentries do not merely keep the gates of their queen's castle, though; on occasion, they make forays to seize whatever living things they may and take them back to stock her larder. Not infrequently, the unwary victims are children; for this reason, the Brass Blades oft meet the sentries on their march to slay them. (6) Young pugilists and thaumaturges are often called upon to hunt and cull the vilekin. (7)
These sentry antlings have one redeeming quality to them: formic acid, used by the Alchemists' Guild for some of its more potent potions. Black Brush Station's regular culling of the antlings makes them a far safer source from which to harvest the stuff than most. (8)
(5) NPC model details
(6) FATE: For the Queen
(7) Hunting Logs: Thaumaturge, Pugilist
(8) Drop table for Antling Sentries
- Central Thanalan: Hellsbrood Holes
Combat Rating: 7 (FATE only), 12

Antlings, unchecked, will spread their nests and patrols as far as they can comfortably dwell. As they prefer dry and sandy climes, this means approximately all of Thanalan, if allowed. Antling soldiers, therefore, can be found as far away from the Hellsbrood Holes as the Clutch, where they waylay travelers seeking to journey east. (9)
For public safety purposes, young gladiators are often sent forth to cull the vilekin. (10)
(9) Mob placement as of 6.1
(10) Hunting Log: Gladiator 10
- Central Thanalan: Royal Allagan Sunway
- Central Thanalan: The Clutch
Combat Rating: 10 to 13

Antling workers are precisely what their names describe: the common laborers of their hives. These workers can be distinguished from their more martial brethren by a close look at their mandibles: three prongs and no spurs or serrations. (5)
Until recently, the Stone Torches at Black Brush Station offered a bounty on workers' mandibles, in lots of five; however, this appears to have been discontinued. (11) The Gladiators' Guild, however, continues to assign its members to hunt and cull the vilekin. (12)
(5) NPC model details
(11) Quest: Until a Quieter Time
(12) Hunting Log: Gladiator 6
- Central Thanalan: Royal Allagan Starway
- Central Thanalan: Hellsbrood Holes
- Central Thanalan: Black Brush
Combat Rating: 5 to 9

lost hope antling
Antlings range quite a distance from their nests, especially the worker variety; but even a worker antling can be a threat to the weak and weary or the unarmed, and need be disposed of immediately. Some have been found recently, investigating the region around Lost Hope. (13)
(13) Quest: Sands of Despair
- Central Thanalan, Lost Hope (quest only)
Combat Rating: 73

Armies have a command structure, and armies of vilekin are no exception. From the Hellsbrood Holes occasionally emerges their Nest Commander, a large soldier-type antling. (14)
Despite its name, the Commander is a formidable opponent all on its own; though attacking it can be tricky, as it does not usually travel beyond the sands of its own nest--and therefore, remains surrounded by sentries.
(14) FATE: Leaving the Nest
- Central Thanalan: Hellsbrood Holes (FATE only)
Combat Rating: 12