Once, this wavekin belonged exclusively to fishing guides and gardening journals. However, during the Fifth Astral Era, the scholars of Nym discovered how to cause uragnites to grow beyond their natural size of less than an ilm, so as to farm them for food. (1) It can reasonably be assumed that the enlarged uragnites spread thence to other lands.
Uragnites dwell only in places where water is abundant, and do not much care if that water is above or below ground. They have been found everywhere from Vylbrand's shores and tidal caves, to the depths of Copperbell Mines in Thanalan, to the few unfrozen ponds of Coerthas. (2) Much to the chagrin of Costa del Sol's residents, uragnites also like to attach themselves to wooden pillars, where they must be removed with steel spatulas. (3)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 282
(2) Mob distribution as of 6.0
(3) Quest: Pests in the Pillars
Uragnites will travel a distance away to lay their eggs, and then leave them to hatch. This causes much frustration for such establishments as the Warmwine Sanitorium, where they are forever surprised by hatchlings with no parents in evidence. (4)
Uragnite shells are not typically sought for use, but their flesh is edible, if a little rubbery. The Nymians preferred it dried, though those seamen who have sailed the Sea of Jade swear that it is best when eaten raw. (1)(5) Goblins of Idyllshire also "cultivate" bifericeras (mostly by letting them run wild and consume all the fish in the Thaliak River). (6)
(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 282
(4) FATE: Nine-ilm Snails
(5) Item tooltip: Scaphite Slice
(6) FATE: Come Shells or High Water

Known species/types of uragnites:
- Uragnite
- Ancient uragnite
- Palace uragnite
- Polis uragnite
- Sirius uragnite
- Moonshade uragnite
- Living fossil
- Coralline uragnite
- Bifericeras
- Deep palace bifericeras
- Echioceras
- Tamed bifericeras
- Scaphite
- Limascabra
- Overgrown difflugia
- Aturia