
In most of the world, "Udumbara" is the name of a legendary tree which yields fruit but once every few millennia. In the Fringes of Gyr Abania, however, the name has quite the different meaning.
It is said that Udumbara lurks below the surface of the earth, ever listening for the sounds of dying plants. When it hears enough, the seedkin fiend bursts from below, its many flytrap maws gaping wide to snatch anything it may find. Then, it begins its rampage, attacking and consuming all that crosses its path, and spraying venom all about it. (1)
Habitat: The Fringes, various
(Link goes to FFXIVHunt.com)
Combat rating: 70, S-rank
Special notes: Udumbara is a terrible foe, according to those who have met and survived it. It sprays before it a cone of concentrated poison that swiftly overtakes its victims, and a shower of mucus all around it that slows the movements of its foes. This is, of course, prelude to its shockwave stomp, from which the snared cannot easily escape. And should any try to slip up behind it, it has an answer for them in form of its vine "tail", which it can whip with stunning force.